What is the Difference Between “Giving Up” and “Letting Go?”

This is an image of a beautiful and happy women with open arms

© Pressmaster/shutterstock

Most of us have been barraged throughout our lives with messages about the importance of “never giving up,” so the thought of ever “letting go” might seem weak and powerless.  In fact, you might perceive that these two concepts are totally opposite.



So what IS the difference between “never giving up” and “letting go?”  Actually, I believe they are different sides of the same coin.



Never Give Up



Many of us associate the phrase, “never give up” with a perception of having a relentless, uncompromising, pre-conceived idea of how we view things should be, as well as maintaining a dogged determination to make it happen. This interpretation feeds into the illusion that we have control over other people and outer circumstances and can prove to be very exhausting and frustrating.



I believe that the loving, spiritual meaning beneath this phrase
is never give up on YOURSELF. 



In order to stay true to yourself, it is healthy to never give up on:


     1.  Remembering that you have the power to co-create with the Universe.  You do this by praying, imagining, clarifying dreams, holding visions, and setting goals that serve to take you in the direction of creating the qualities of life you choose to live.


     2.  Persisting to have the enormous amount of courage it takes in order to face your fears head-on.


     3.  Mustering up the inner strength required to handle the many set-backs that occur when things do not turn out in the specific ways you have imagined.


     4.  Rising above the criticism that you face from people who do not support you in your dreams, visions, and goals.


     5.  Committing to take action on the infinite numbers of things you need to do to cooperate with the Universe to make your dreams of a better life come true.


     6.  Having the faith to believe that every experience you have is taking you in the direction of Wholeness, no matter how it looks in your physical world.


     7.  And that’s where “letting go” comes in.




Letting Go



Many of us associate the phrase “letting go” with giving up, resignation, quitting, and “losing.”  Far from the truth!  Actually, “letting go” is an attitude of tremendous inner spiritual strength.  It means that after we take full responsibility for honoring our personal roles in co-creating with the Universe by “never giving up” on ourselves (items 1 to 6 above) – we then “let go” of trying to control how everything manifests in our lives.



Simply stated, “letting go” means letting go of our personal attachment to outcomes.  When we “let go,” we are not sacrificing anything.  Indeed, we are creating a vastly larger space to allow for the  Infinite Potential of the Universe to create magnificent outcomes that far transcend our human perceptions.  This is because we are choosing to put the limitation of our egos aside and  accept  that Divine Love is at work in manifesting how our thoughts, words, and actions appear to us in our physical world – even when the outcomes don’t coincide with our personal ideas. “Letting go” is having the faith to accept that the Universe is totally cooperating with us through the power of unconditional love.



When seen from this higher spiritual perspective, we can see that  “never giving up” on ourselves and “letting go” of our attachment to outcomes are two dynamics that actually work in perfect harmony!



Love and Light,



5 thoughts on “What is the Difference Between “Giving Up” and “Letting Go?”

  1. Thanks for explaining that so well! I’ve been confused about that lately… I feel like I’m at a point in my life that I need to understand that!

  2. I am worth every effort to obtain the highest point of personal freedom. I must push past and beyond any and all obstacles that try to detour me from purpose to fulfill GODS purpose for my life. I CAN LET GO AND LET GOD. he has the blueprint for my life. I may have the plan. He blesses and orders my step in wisdom and understanding o his grace n mercy. Peace b with. AMEN

  3. Kathy: You are welcome. This is a point that is confusing for many of us. I am honored that I was guided to explain it in a way that was so clear for you. Thank you for your comment.
    Love and Light, Sandra

  4. Celeste: I find your correlation of letting go with the highest point of personal freedom to be particularly inspiring. Thank you.
    Love and Light,Sandra

  5. Pingback: The Difference Between “Giving Up” and “Letting Go” « JoyThruYoga

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