Sandra Brossman's Insights

How Can We Forgive People Who Have Hurt Us Deeply? PART ONE


This is the image of a gold and sparkle outline of a heart on a black background

© Ron Dale/


Sometimes the words and actions of people who have hurt you may feel so vicious that the thought of forgiving them seems like an impossible human feat.  No matter how hard you try, you may feel that you cannot reconcile your feelings about them, nor understand how anyone could act in such unkind ways. It is only human to feel angered and upset when we are on the receiving end of someone’s cruel words and actions.  What is self-destructive is not that we have these feelings – it is that we hold onto them.  Most of us tend to hold the illusion that forgiveness is something that we are being asked to give to an undeserving person, so one of the best ways to prepare yourself to be a forgiving person is to see forgiveness in a more truthful light.


Forgiveness always begins with self.



Believe it or not, the person you most need to forgive for any situation in which you have been hurt is yourself – not because you are “wrong,” but because you have made choices which have not been aligned with your soul’s need for inner truth and self-respect. By forgiving yourself, it becomes easier to forgive others and to move out of the victimhood perception.  It’s all part of our spiritual growth.



Forgiving someone does not mean you are endorsing

anyone’s harmful behavior.



You may find it very liberating to realize that you do not need to feel warmly toward people who have hurt you, nor do you need to understand their actions, in order to forgive. You may even make a healthy decision that it is not in your best interest to be in the physical presence of people who have hurt you deeply.


The way people act is a reflection of how they feel about themselves,



When someone behaves in a harmful, manipulative way, it is very important to understand that they are projecting from THEIR reservoir of fears.  The way they are treating you is exactly the way they feel about themselves.  This is why self-love is so essential in that it forms the foundation for how we treat everyone around us.  When we focus on someone else’s negative behavior by responding the same way, we compound the problem by reinforcing their fears and our own.  We then step into the darkness of the other person’s world of fear, rather than bringing illumination to the situation.  Instead of inviting the other person to our space of peace, we hurt ourselves by stepping into their chaos.



We learn and grow from our relationships.


No matter how angry we may feel toward someone, there are no accidents; there is a reason for every single interaction we have with anyone, whether pleasant or not.  They are teaching us, and we are teaching them.  We can perceive even our most painful experiences as growth opportunities by asking ourselves, “What am I experiencing through this person that I need to learn?”  The things that irritate us about someone else are a reflection of something we need to see within ourselves in order to mature in our spirituality.  We may realize that this person is reminding us our need to develop more self-esteem or exposing our own need to be more patient and forgiving. It could also be that we recognize that what this person is doing that is causing us pain is the same thing we have to someone else in the past.  The important thing is that when we view our relationship issues in this way, we are learning from, rather than judging the other person.



When you withhold forgiveness, you are likely to repeat

negative relationship patterns.



When you withhold forgiveness and choose to ignore the messages that are coming to you in the form of relationships, the universe will continue to present you with people and circumstances based on the same theme until you become aware of what you need to know.  It is as though you are in a play and the same actor exits and comes back on stage again wearing a new outfit.  Once you accept the lessons you are learning through your relationships, you are likely to free yourself from living through the same painful emotional patterns over and over again.


When you forgive someone,
you no longer allow them to control your life.


If you are holding back on forgiving someone, chances are you are making them the center of your attention.  This means that you continue to re-experience the self-damaging emotions of pain, anger, and resentment every time you think of that person, which is probably most of the time.  Why give anyone that kind of power over your life?  Take back your power to live your life with all the potential that exists in present time.


Forgiveness is a form of neutral, unconditional love.


Forgiveness is not a warm, fuzzy emotion.  It is a neutral, compassionate emotion that acknowledges that we are all connected as one human family.  When you choose to forgive someone, you are acknowledging that every single person on earth, no matter who they are or how they conduct themselves, is part of humanity and, therefore, a part of who you are.  In other words, you stop focusing on the objectionable physical actions of others by looking at a soul level, beneath their negative behavior.


The bottom line is that forgiveness is something we do for OURSELVES!  It is the most effective way we can free ourselves from self-defeating old patterns from the past and step into the infinite potential that we can only discover in present time.  When we do this, we are blessing ourselves and everyone in our lives by placing a greater priority on love and inner peace than on revenge and self-righteousness.


In next week’s blog, Part 2, we will discuss a simple exercise that will empower you to make forgiveness a part of your daily life.


Love and Light





Click this link to order the downloadable audio meditation, “Free Yourself Through Forgiveness,” narrated by Sandra Brossman.



Embracing the Silence of Winter

This is the image of blue sky and a snowy scenery with footprints in the snow and snow covered trees

© Bas Meelker/


Just in case we have been taking ourselves too seriously by getting lost in our daily frenetic pace, Mother Nature has stepped in to provide us with the perfect antidote for an overactive schedule – Winter!


Over the past few months, most of our country has experienced some of the largest snowfalls, as well as the lowest temperatures, in recorded weather history. As if the forces of snow, ice, wind and freezing temperatures were not sufficient to slow us down, there were also record breaking numbers of power outages throughout the country. Many people were literally in the dark for up to five days. Impassable roads, temporary business shutdowns, and school closings have compelled us to hunker down in the warmth and shelter of our homes.


We are so accustomed to being over stimulated, that it may be difficult to identify this as being the perfect time to change our perspective and to see the winter as a gift.


While all of these extreme weather conditions have caused enormous inconveniences, they have also provided us with an unusual sense of silence. The soft, white cover of snow provides a quiet backdrop for reflection, rather like a blank canvas inviting us to become more introspective and creative. We can also use this time to become aware of the beautiful synchronicity within the rhythm of nature. Winter is a time when everything dies off or goes within itself to grow and be renewed until spring is here again. It is a time when many animals hibernate and plants shut down to store their energies until the warmth of spring arrives.


Below are seven insights that may change your perspective to see the wintertime as a blessing:


1. Go Within – Just as we have a tendency to stay indoors in the winter, it is a perfect time to go within ourselves to clear our minds and nurture our souls. This can be done through meditation, by reading a good book, or watching a favorite movie. The important point is that we get quiet time to relax. What you are actually doing is planting seeds for the longer and brighter days of tomorrow.


2. Give Yourself Permission to Slow Down – This time of year offers us the space and time to slow down. We often find ourselves craving a comfortable couch and a roaring fire. It makes us feel warm, happy, and sleepy. Also, there is nothing like staying in bed a little longer, snuggled up under the covers, enjoying the warmth.


3. Appreciate the Silence – The winter offers clarity within the silence. It is truly amazing to step outside after it snows and notice how crisp the air is and how quiet your surroundings are. The snow is a blanket that softens everything around you and creates a pause that allows you to appreciate the rarity of silence.


4. Spark Your Creativity – The void of darkness sometimes gives us the room we need to allow our creative mind to come alive. Have fun! This is the time to start an arts and crafts project or simply cook a meal that is out of the ordinary.


5. Savor the Simple Things – This quiet time offers you the opportunity to notice the small wonders of life such as hot soup, the texture of sheets, the warmth of a good fire, or how much fun it is to make a snow angel – even if you are an adult!


6. Spend More Time With Family and Friends – This is a wonderful time to do things you may not otherwise have had time to do, such as: baking cookies with the kids and grandkids, catching up on phone time with loved ones, playing games, and getting together for coffee, tea, or lunch with friends.


7. Embrace the Beauty of Nature – Indulge your senses by enjoying a brisk walk in the cold. Allow your eyes to feast on the beauty of the glistening snow, smell the clarity of the air, and listen to the silence.


Enjoy what is around you right now! You don’t need to “get away” literally. Most of us need to “get away” from our daily lives and our frenetic pace. You can do this anywhere, including right where you are.


Love and Light





A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose. To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.


Are You Feeling Like Your World Is Dramatically Shifting? PART TWO


This is the image of a blue cloudy sky with a question mark shaped cloud in the middle

© aleisha/

Even though the status of the world may seem overwhelming and out of our personal control, we each have the power to contribute to the healing of the world, beginning with our personal lives, starting in this present moment. Like a drop of water, every single thought we have ripples out into the massive sea of the collective thoughts of all humanity.  By choosing thoughts of love, we automatically unite with other like-minded souls in forming a field of energy that has the infinite power to exponentially create an entirely new world that is the essence of love, kindness, peace, respect and cooperation.


Since thought is creative, whatever we focus on expands.


The emphasis is on the word “create” because love is a sense of well being that originates from the inside, beginning with the intention of the heart.  If we are “looking” for it, we will not be able to find it  because a peaceful, loving world is not something that comes to us from the outside.  The condition of our physical world is a giant mirror reflecting back to us the collective thoughts of every person who is part of our earth family. Since thought is creative, whatever we focus on expands. Therefore, what we are seeing is an indication that part of our human society is predominately focused on judgment, violence, greed, and crime. We can point a finger of blame wherever and to whomever we want, but it does not change the truth that each one of us has played a part in creating the condition of the world in which we live.  Perhaps it has been in seemingly minor, passive ways, such as getting caught up in the turmoil and conflict of the world by watching and listening to endless news reports of violence and acts of desecration. Or, it could be as intensively aggressive as being a perpetrator in a massive heinous crime.  Judging who is “most wrong” renders us powerless and only creates more separation and discord between us and within our lives.


All change begins at the level of self, when we change our individual lives, the world around us changes as well.  


We can only change the quality of our collective personal reality by taking personal responsibility for the part we have each played in creating it.  When we accept this responsibility, we also expand to the much more self-empowering realization that we also have the power to change it.  Each one of us is innately gifted with the ability to contribute to the healing of the world by healing our own personal lives.  All change begins at the level of self, when we change our individual lives, the world around us changes as well.


In order to heal our personal lives, it is imperative that we let go of the past and get in touch with the infinite wisdom of Spirit. No matter how much confusion and change is going on around you, you can create a space of peace and spiritual connection within your life.  The following are some suggestions as to how you can “step into the new world,” beginning with your own life:


Meditate – Create a space of at least 20 minutes every day to sit in a place of peace and quiet.  Your meditation can be as simple as sitting on your sofa and focusing on your breath.  The importance of this cannot be overstated, for it is within the silence that you can remember your mind and body connection with spirit. Trust the wisdom and insights that will come through to you through your intuition.


Pray – Ask for divine guidance as to how you can best bring peace to the world; envision what a peaceful world looks like. Most importantly, imagine the feeling of peace within your own heart.


Forgive –  Let go of the need to be right.  All conflicts, whether it be in personal relationships or between countries, originate from the perception that one party is “right”  and the other is “wrong.”  The most effective way we can release the past and move into a world of love and peace is through the process of forgiveness. For greater insight on forgiveness, you may wish to reference my previous blog, The Greatest Gift We Give To Ourselves.


Live consciously – Align your thoughts, words, and actions with the spiritual values of love, respect, peace, and cooperation.  This requires diligent practice and is the most effective way to live a life of spiritual enlightenment.


Be mindful of what you feed your mind –  Stop watching violent entertainment shows and videos and modify the amount of time you spend following the news. There is a difference between being informed and immersing yourself in the fears of the world.  Instead, spend more time reading, watching, and listening to information that inspires you and nourishes your soul. What you put into your mind is what it feeds back to you.


Commune with Nature – Spend more time outdoors in the beauty of nature.  Nature regenerates your body, mind, and soul and balances your energy.


Every person who is in the world at this time has been divinely gifted with access to the universal wisdom that empowers us to harmonize our energies to bring wholeness to this earth.

Not only CAN we do it – this is our spiritual mission!!


As always, I welcome your thoughts.


Love and Light




You may find it helpful to review Are You Feeling Like Your World Is Dramatically Shifting? PART ONE if you missed last week’s blog.



A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.


Are You Feeling Like Your World Is Dramatically Shifting? PART ONE!

This is the image of blue sky with cotton like clouds with one shaped like a question mark.

© aleisha/


Many of us are living in a state of disorientation, as though the world, as we have known it, is gone. Sure, we have always been challenged by having to face the unknown. It is a well-known fact that the greatest fear we humans have is fear of the unknown. Although change causes us to be uncomfortable, we also know that change is the nature of life and provides the impetus that challenges us to expand in our mental emotional, and spiritual growth. Even with this awareness, the “new world” we are facing somehow feels different.


The vast majority of our population is sensing a highly-charged current of change which is indiscriminately affecting everyone everywhere. No matter who we are, where we live, or what our role is in life, everyone is personally feeling the repercussions of a major shift. We are presently being challenged with unprecedented levels of upheaval and uncertainty as we cope with economic volatility, globalization, major natural disasters, and phenomenal technological growth. Many of the social institutions to which we have long subscribed are in a state of great upheaval. Whether it be within the areas of our government, corporate structure, health care system, educational system, religious organizations, or the family unit, the traditional institutions which, for centuries, have been perceived as the mainstays of our lives are no longer providing us with the kind of security for which we long.


There is a world not only outside of us, but within us as well.


The changes we are witnessing are not only in our external existence, but within our personal lives as well. The outer world is a giant mirror reflecting back what is going on in our individual lives. Many of us are experiencing turmoil in exactly the areas which, in the past, seemed to have provided us with the most stability: job security, personal relationships, positions of power, and financial wealth. There seems to be a relentless hunger deep within us that cannot be satiated by the usual physical gratifications of food, money, power, sex, and fame. In some ways, it feels as though the very foundation of our security is vanishing.


The social changes we are experiencing are not issues within themselves, but evidence of a major shift in our collective thinking. We are moving away from the external values of materialism and moving toward the human inner values of Spirit.


After centuries of looking to our outer world for our sustenance and power, we are remembering a place deep within our souls where we have limitless access to unconditional love, support, renewal, and inspiration. Our soul is our connection Spirit; and it is within this space that we have a sense of correctness that is our truth. As we get in touch with our inner truth, we are coming to realize that many of the external conditions of our personal lives do not coincide with our spiritual values. If our personal lives are not reflecting our truth, then the external social institutions which we have created in this frame of mind do not reflect our truth. Since many things in our lives are changing at the same time, we may feel that we have lost the points of reference which, in the past, have kept us centered.


Humanity is evolving to a higher level of spiritual consciousness.


The brilliant ray of light shining through all of this confusion is that the chaos we are experiencing is a burst of energy giving rise to a more enlightened world that is redefining the center of its existence to coincide with the qualities of spiritual love. We are becoming aware that we need to find our security internally rather than in external institutions. Instead of looking to our outer world to define and control us, we are increasingly taking personal responsibility to turn to our inner spirit to reveal who we are and why we are here. Our souls are uniting in a common desire to create a new sense of world order that resonates with the spiritual values that reside within the deepest level of our being. This desire is for a sense of order within our minds, not just in the conditions around us. We are longing for a life of self-respect and peace and are becoming mindful of the fact that these qualities are a reflection of our internal state of being, not of external conditions. We are yearning to reclaim our sense of self and our passion for life, and we are realizing these are things that can be found only inside of our hearts and minds, not in a material world outside of ourselves.


The crisis we are experiencing is an extremely encouraging indication.


What we are seeing is what we have thus far created together, largely in an unconscious way, through our thoughts and actions. We can perceive this crisis as social destruction and random confusion. On the other hand, we can choose to see our world in a new light. Indeed, the word crisis, defined by Webster as a turning point for the better or worse, is derived from the Greek root word, krisis, which literally means decision. We can decide to make this a turning point for the better by making a commitment to our own personal healing.


Although this may all sound a bit overwhelming, take a deep breath – we are all in this together. Each one of us can make a tremendous contribution to the healing of our world. Because we have all played a part in creating the physical reality we are presently experiencing, we each have the power to contribute to the healing of the world by healing our personal lives to integrate with the values of the unconditional love of Spirit. As we change our individual lives, the world around us changes as well.


So how do we navigate our personal lives to align with a “new world” of spiritual integrity?  We will discuss this in next week’s blog, Part Two, of “Are You Feeling Like Your World is Dramatically Shifting?”


Love and Light




A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.


Are You Living In Your Spiritual Truth?

This is an image with the word TRUTH in bold with light shining behind it.

© Mark Carrel/

If you were attracted to this blog, chances are that you have often read and heard of the importance of  “living in your spiritual truth.” You may be at a point in your spiritual evolution where you are contemplating these words carefully and wondering – where do you actually “find” your spiritual truth?


There is a Hindu legend which says that at one point in time humanity had abused its divine powers so greatly that the gods convened to discuss what to do about it. They decided the best course of action was to remove it and hide it–but where? After careful consideration, they unanimously decided there was one place where divine power could be hidden where humans would never even think to look–deep within ourselves!


This story calls attention to the fact that spiritual truth is within each one of us and is discovered through our personal soul connection to Spirit. For ages we have looked outside of ourselves to find it, when, indeed, we have always had it inside of our hearts. Spiritual truth is not something we need to be taught–it is the memory of who we truly are and why we are here.  We access our truth through our intuition.


What is Intuition?


Intuition is our direct communications link to divine love and wisdom.  It is the inner voice constantly whispering messages that guide us to make choices that are in alignment with unconditional love of self and others. Because we are all one Spirit, what is in the greatest good for one of us is also in the greatest good of all of us. Intuition is our innate human power to instantaneously access universal intelligence without conscious reasoning. In essence, we are each a conduit for a constant stream of limitless wisdom flowing to us from the Universe. Because intuition is a right-brain function, it isn’t something we can analyze with our minds; rather it is something we sense with our hearts. We sometimes refer to these feelings as gut level, sixth sense, inner wisdom, inner knowing, and flashes of imagination.


How Do We Sense Intuition?


Many of us actually experience physical sensations when we hear or see something that coincides with our truth. You may suddenly get goose bumps, feel a tingling sensation, spontaneously take a deep breath, feel an electrical current going up your back, or sense an overall wave of energy. These sensations are indications that your mind and body are literally resonating with the energetic frequency of the truth of Spirit. You might also get physical indications when you are experiencing something that is not aligned with your truth. Usually, it is a contracted feeling, such as a knot in the stomach, a tight throat, shortness of breath, or a sudden chill.


Although we all sense it in different ways, and some of us deny sensing it at all, every person has intuition – it is part of our human nature! The reason it appears that not all of us have intuition is simply because some of us listen to and act upon our inner messages; whereas others simply dismiss them as insignificant. We many times ignore our intuition because we want to validate our intuitive messages with our left-brain logic and analysis. When we attempt to do this, we choke the flow of intuitive information spontaneously coming through to us because messages of the Spirit are coming from an infinitely larger perspective than the logical paradigms of the human mind.


What is the Difference Between Intuition and Impulse?


When we get an impulsive message, it is usually initiated by our ego in the form of a whim to obtain quick gratification, whether it is constructive for us or not.  Impulsive behavior is usually a superficial reaction that does not address our underlying genuine needs.  Our impulse may be to indulge in an addictive behavior, such as overeating, or running out to buy something that we do not really need or cannot afford.  If we stop and take a deep breath, we may realize that the true feelings beneath our behavior might be loneliness or anger.  Be gentle with yourself.  Whatever you are feeling is OK. We all react impulsively at times in our lives.  What is quite amazing is that when you are completely honest with yourself about your true feelings, you automatically restore your intuitive connection with the flow of spiritual truth!  Another way to discern the difference between impulse and intuition is that impulses usually pass if we wait for a little while or sleep on an idea.


Intuitive messages, on the other hand, are messages of Spirit that come through the soul guiding us to make choices that are aligned with kindness and love.  Because they are rooted in truth, intuitive messages are relentless and persistent.  Even when we ignore them, they have the tenacious habit of resurfacing time and time again.  When we listen to and act upon our intuitive messages, we generally feel peaceful and like we are in our correct space even when our “spiritual assignments” are very challenging.


Our intuitive connection is unconditionally available to us twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week; yet we are sometimes so frenzied by outer stimulation that we have to create a personal space of silence in order to move into a receptive frame of mind that enables us to listen.  This can be done through prayer and numerous types of meditation, or by doing things that are as simple as taking a deep breath, sitting still and focusing on your breath, taking a walk in nature, or taking a soothing, warm bath. We can use any technique we choose – the important thing is that we find a way to balance ourselves and become centered in a peaceful frame of mind so that we that we can become conscious of our intuitive messages.


While it is very enlightening to become aware of our need to tune into our spiritual truth through intuition, what is even more important is to develop the habit to constantly forgive ourselves when we forget our ability to connect with our inner divine wisdom.    


By doing this, we automatically move back into alignment with the flow of spiritual truth.  Because intuition connects us with our Oneness of Spirit, the messages it reveals to us are always rooted in unconditional love and pure truth. You can develop a sensitivity to perceiving these internal messages by listening, trusting, and acting upon them. The more you do this, the more you empower yourself to live in your spiritual truth.


Love and Light




A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.


Looking Through the Eyes of Love

This is the image of two hands coming together with the sky in the background making the shape of a heart

© 2jenn/

Have you ever had times when every one and every thing is agitating you and you feel like what you most need is a vacation from people in general?


On a typical day, we all have an infinite number of opportunities to react to situations that trigger our own fears and insecurities. The driver who suddenly cuts in front of your car may spark you to react with an angry gesture; a work associate who adamantly disagrees with you may cause you to be overtly defensive of your own point of view; being on the receiving end of someone hurling cruel words may cause you to retaliate with a vengeful response; or experiencing a food server with a negative attitude may cause you to respond in an unkind, judgmental manner.


When you react to someone else’s fearful words and actions with the same defensive energy, you are perpetuating separation and adding to the negative energy of the situation.  This ultimately results in everyone’s feelings being hurt, as well as a serious breakdown in communication.  When you find yourself in a reactive mode and feeling pulled into other people’s dramas, it is a sure sign that it is time to expand your perspectives to focus on more than just your own personal reality.


Perspective is the overall viewpoint from which we see our world. We don’t actually see our perspectives.  We look at life through our perspectives, much the same as we see through a pair of eyeglasses. While we cannot control everything that happens in our lives, each of us is responsible for choosing how we want to interpret and respond to life events and situations.  If we change one letter in the spelling of the word responsible–to responseABLE–we are reminded that we are able to choose our responses to life. Since our responses are based on our perspectives, we are each able to change how we experience life in an instant by changing the lens through which we view our life experiences.  Ultimately, we have a choice:  We can view life from the perspective of fear, which results in mindlessly and defensively reacting to the negative energy of people and situations; or we can learn and grow from every person we meet and every situation we encounter by changing our view of life to see through the eyes of love.


Looking through the eyes of love is a conscious choice to perceive people and their situations with compassion and understanding. When you exercise compassion, you are empathetic because you are able to sense the feelings that are motivating another person’s actions, rather than judging their obvious outward behavior. Rather than focusing only on your own personal situation, compassion enables you to see a situation from the other person’s perspective as well. It is through compassion and understanding that you can resonate with another person’s feelings by remembering that, just like you, every single human being you will ever meet is also experiencing pain, sickness, and loss in their lives. You also begin to stop taking people’s reactions so personally – the way someone acts is a projection of how they feel about themselves – not an evaluation of your self-worth.


Choosing to perceive life through compassion and understanding, rather than judgment and defensive reaction, opens us up to a whole new vista of life.  It is like looking through a special pair of eyeglasses that enables you to have an emotional x-ray vision that can see the issues of fear that are motivating someone’s negative and offensive behaviors. The person who cuts in front of your car may be going through a divorce; the work associate who relentlessly argues with you may have a serious mental imbalance; the person who is speaking to you with unkind words may have just lost her job; and the restaurant server who had a negative attitude may have just gone through the loss of a loved one.


I experienced the value of perceiving a situation in a compassionate way a couple of years ago when I was waiting in the checkout line of a local grocery store. The cashier appeared to be rude as she haphazardly threw the purchased items into bags and never once looked up to smile or greet any of the customers.  I was fourth in line, and the annoyance and judgment of each person who preceded me intensified as the line progressed forward.  When it was my turn to be waited on, I gently asked a simple question:  “Are you having a difficult day?”  The woman who was cashiering looked up and stared at me, her eyes brimming with tears.  “It is more than a difficult day – I am so upset I can hardly breathe. Today marks the one-year anniversary of the day my daughter was killed in a car crash.  She was only 4 years old.  I don’t know how I can even live through today.”  My heart ached for this woman, and I found myself giving her a long, spontaneous hug.  “Thank you for understanding,” she replied. As I left the grocery store, I was so thankful that I had not judged the cashier and had taken an extra minute to ask her that simple question.


When we choose to look at people and situations through the eyes of love, we are acknowledging that we are all emotionally vulnerable and that every one of us is  experiencing tremendous challenges in negotiating our spiritual journey here on earth. Not only are we being kind to others, it is also one of the most self-fulfilling ways to honor our own soul.


I welcome you to share ways in which you are aware that your perspective has greatly influenced your relationships with others.


Love and Light




Welcome 2014! Another Year That Brings Forth Many Opportunities To Reinvent Ourselves


This is an image of year 2014 with an arrow pointing down a road toward light - as though we have the whole year ahead of us.

© Aslyson/


As we begin yet another new year, we may beat ourselves up for not sticking with the previous year’s resolutions (uh oh – I didn’t keep my resolution to exercise every other day and/or to lose that 50 pounds!). This can lead to a sense of resignation about being able to achieve things in the New Year.


Studies consistently indicate that we tend to be extremely self-critical. Psychologist, Rick Hanson, states, “The mind is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones.” That said, we also know that one of the best ways to motivate ourselves is by focusing on our accomplishments.  Since we tend to measure our successes from the previous year by only the “big things” we have achieved, we overlook the countless “little things” we’ve done that have added a lot of quality to our lives and the lives of others.


This is an image of the word negative crossed out and the the words Think Positive displayed

© Anson0618 /



For this reason, I encourage you to congratulate yourself for the many things you DID accomplish in 2013, like all the times you:


  • Were supportive of your child/children when you felt you didn’t have an ounce of patience left to do so
  • Listened attentively to your spouse or partner sharing a problem even when you were experiencing plenty of your own challenges
  • Went to work or finished a major project, giving it your all even though you were exhausted
  • Smiled and said “thank you” to someone who needed to hear it
  • Forgave someone who really hurt your feelings
  • Placed a phone call or sent an email to encourage someone even though you, yourself, were feeling discouraged
  • Offered encouragement to someone in pain even while you were experiencing your own pain
  • Volunteered to take time to help someone in need even though your calendar was jammed
  • Took the time to recycle even though it would have been a lot easier to just throw everything into the trash


I could go on and on – but you get the picture!


So this year, let’s do something different.  Make it your number one resolution to be kind to yourself and thank yourself for all that you’ve already accomplished.  You were and are amazing!


Drop a comment on this post to share what you’d like to thank yourself for today.


Love and Light




Inspiration From 2013

Fisheye lens view of the ocean with a beautiful sunrise with 2013 written in the sand

© Andrey Kuzmin/

Each year provides inspiration and opportunities for growth. As 2013 comes to a close, I reflected on 10 inspirational moments and people of this past year. 


This is an image of candles surrounding a photo of Nelson Mandela

© 360b/


1. Nelson Mandela – The death of Nelson Mandela was one of the most celebrated passings that I can ever remember. While the world is sad to have him no longer with us; in addition to mourning his death, everyone truly celebrated his accomplishments, what he stood for, and how he inspired millions of people worldwide to be better. He led by example – to the very end of his life.


This is the image of a memorial in the aftermath of the Boston Marathon Bombings

© Lane V. Erickson/


2. Boston Marathon – On April 15, 2013, the world witnessed one of the most gruesome acts. In the crowd of those waiting to celebrate their loved ones achieving a wonderful feat of completing the Boston Marathon, they instead faced terror. The inspiration of this tragedy came in the aftermath. Law enforcement came together to quickly apprehend the perpetrators. The survivors and the world came together to heal.


This is an image of Pope Francis reaching out to bless a child

© Martin Podzorny/


3. Pope Francis – In March, he was elected the 266th pope of the Roman Catholic Church. Pope Benedict XVI resigned, being the first pope to resign in over 598 years. This year he has surprised many by reinvigorating the Catholic Church to be less about judgment and more about love. He has inspired millions and many are looking for him to lead the Church onward into the 21st century.


This is the image of a sign that says, "Equal Love, Equal Rights"

© paintings/


4. Legalizing Same Sex Marriage – equal rights for marriage stood out loud and clear this year, not only in the US, but in 15 other countries as well. Finally, the commitment to love, honor, and cherish your partner, whether they are the opposite sex or same sex, is transforming the world.


Tiles that look like white Scrabble tiles that spell the word, hope.

© Zyxx/


5. Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus, and Michelle Knight Rescue – On May 6, 2013, these three young women were rescued in Cleveland Ohio after being held captive for over 10 years. This amazing story of survival touched the hearts of the entire world.


This is an image of different scientific symbols and formulas denoting physics

© Leone_V/


6. 2013 Nobel Prize in Physics – Francois Englert and Peter W. Higgs were jointly awarded the Nobel Prize in Physics for their theory on how particles acquire mass. While this theory was independently proposed by both back in 1964, in 2012 their ideas were confirmed by the discovery of the Higgs particle. Their theory is a central part of the Standard Model of particle physics that describes how the world is constructed. While the Higgs particle was the missing puzzle piece to the Standard Model, it is not the final piece to the cosmic puzzle. So…more to come!


Image of the Bull on Wall Street in NYC

© Stuart Monk/


7. Stock Markets Surge – After years of wondering whether our financial system would recover, we had record breaking returns in the stock market, unemployment figures are down, and the US Federal Reserve may begin to reduce their stimulus package as the economy appears to be on its way to health and prosperity.


This is a photo of Malala Yousafzai

© JStone/


8. Malala Yousafzai – Malala is proof that at any age, at any time, you can make a difference. This brave little girl, an activist for education for all, became the youngest person ever to be nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize.


Image of Healthcare Reform with small text of words evoked by this

© Keith Bell/


9. Affordable Care Act – whether you like the Act or not, the fact is that healthcare for all is being implemented around the country. It is tough to say if this new system will work; but, we must acknowledge the inspiration behind the Act. The intention of having good healthcare available to all US citizens is certainly admirable. Let’s hope that 2014 brings with it more inspired implementation!


Close-up image of the hood of a Tesla automobile

© Frontpage/


10. Elon Musk – 2013 was a notable year for co-founder of PayPal, CEO of Tesla Motors and SpaceX, and Chairman of Solar City. He is living proof that belief in your vision pays off. in 2013, after over a decade of hard work, Tesla has become the world’s most prominent maker of all-electric cars. He is also designing the “hyperloop” supersonic travel machine that would allow commuters to travel between San Francisco and Los Angeles in 30 minutes or less using 100% solar power. Dare to dream!



This is the perfect time for you to reflect on what inspired you in 2013. Take time to become aware of the moments in life that mean the most to you. The past helps us to appreciate our life lessons and those life lessons inspire us to live our best life as our future unfolds.



Best wishes to all for continued health, harmony, abundance and joy in 2014.


Love and Light




When is the Last Time You Said, “I Love Myself?”

This is the image of a green chalkboard with writing that says, "I love myself"

© lculig/shutterstock


This question may sound silly – but think about it.  These are the words we most long to hear from others, and yet we rarely say them to ourselves. If we don’t feel comfortable saying this to ourselves, how can we expect to be comfortable in accepting this message from others?  What is even more interesting is that the majority of us have actually never said, “I love myself.”


I recently led a spiritual workshop where the topic was about our creative infinite potential as human beings.  Through my extensive journey of personal healing, as well as many years of facilitating energy healing sessions and spiritual workshops, I have come to understand that the only way we can even begin to comprehend the vastness of our infinite potential is to start with the fundamental principle of self-love.  For this reason, I suggested an exercise which involved pairing up. One person would say, “I love myself,” while the other one listened with complete attention, and then they reversed the roles of speaker and listener. Not only did I request that they repeat this mantra aloud to each other, I also suggested they affirm this statement about 25 times. At first, it was apparent that the suggestion to participate in this exercise seemed a little awkward for everyone.  Because of our social conditioning, their initial feeling was that it would be much more easy to say “I love you” to someone else than it was to say “I love myself.”


Nevertheless, this open-minded, spiritually attuned group was willing to give it a try. It began as a cumbersome exercise of people dutifully reciting “I love myself” to each other.  Because the words aligned with the truth of spirit, we could each feel that what began as a mind exercise quickly deepened into expressions of the heart as we continued to repeat this affirmation to each other. Within minutes, the room began to swell with echoes of “I love myself” coming from everywhere. What a beautiful sound! It became quite obvious to all of us that what had begun as an uncomfortable exercise had transformed into an experience of inspiration and truth.



Why does it feel so uncomfortable to affirm “I love myself?”



Most of us are taught from early on in our childhood years by parents, caregivers, teachers, culture, traditions, and religious teachings that it is selfish to love ourselves.  We carry these childhood beliefs into adulthood without even realizing it. In order to spiritually evolve, it is essential to understand that “self-love” is not the same as “selfish.”



What is the difference between “self-love” and “selfish?”



Each one of us has been created by the energy of unconditional love.  As we remember this truth, we come to recognize that our natural state of being is LOVE.  When we choose to be loving and respectful of ourselves, our energy resonates with Universal Love and opens our hearts to a connection with our Higher Self.  This empowers us to access limitless energy for inspiration and regeneration from the Universe.  As a result, we have plenty of energy to express our love to others, resulting in generosity – not selfishness.


“Selfish,” on the other hand, is an emotion that centers predominantly on the needs and desires of self without consideration of others. Because it is self-centered, it focuses on ego and disconnects us from Creative Source.  Selfish behavior blocks universal love from flowing to and through us.  This results in looking to everyone else outside of ourselves to fulfill our needs and desires. Being around people who are acting selfish is typically a very draining experience.



Can simply affirming “I love myself”

really change how I feel about myself?



The simple answer is yes. Our feelings are the emotional barometer indicating whether our thoughts are aligned with our spiritual truth.  When we think kind and loving thoughts about ourselves, we are aligned with the spiritual truth of oneness and love, and we feel inspired and uplifted.  When we think unkind and judgmental thoughts about ourselves, we feel separated from our Creative Source and are bound to be living in fear.  It takes practice to change old habits. Practice this affirmation with a supportive friend or relative.  Another very effective way to affirm this new thought form is to stand before a mirror, look deeply into your own eyes, and say, “I love you.”  Louise Hay, famed spiritual coach and author, suggests you do this until you are moved to the point of tears.  It is then that you will know that you have embraced what you are saying to yourself with your heart.



Can I come to truly believe what I am saying?



Every belief we have is rooted in a repetitious thought pattern.  Because we have the power to choose our thoughts, we can consciously transform our outgrown beliefs of separation by changing our self-talk and the messages we convey to ourselves at any time in our lives. Our thoughts create the beliefs that form the foundation for how we live our lives. Our beliefs determine the words we speak, our words result in our actions, and our actions manifest our physical reality.


While it may seem very strange to you at first, persevere with affirming that you love and accept yourself.  To see yourself in the light of love is to embrace the truth of your True Self.  Since what we project is what we attract, you will also attract other people who love you for who you are.


Be kind to yourself!


Love and Light




Remaining Centered During the Holidays

Beautiful women doing a yoga pose

© Gelpi JM/shutterstock


Now that Thanksgiving has just passed, most of us are feeling the accelerated pace of the world around us as we enter the official holiday season.  It is very easy to become overwhelmed with shopping, visiting family and friends, preparing large family meals, attending special holiday performances, and traveling.  This is the time of year where all the intense activity, in addition to the emotional highs and lows that accompany the holidays, can really take a toll on our health – mentally, emotionally, and physically.


In order to truly enjoy the holidays, it is essential to take time to regenerate yourself and to keep your energy balanced.  The following are some ways to remain centered in the midst of all the hustle and bustle:


1.  Stay in touch with your feelings – It is so easy to get carried away with all the outer stimulation that you can lose perspective on the signals you are getting from your mind and body.  Periodically check in with your feelings and honor your needs.  For example, if you feel tired, rest; if you feel overwhelmed, slow down the pace; if you feel sad, allow yourself to express your true feelings.


2.  Determine what matters most to you – Quite often, we are so busy reacting to the demands of the holidays that we lose sight of what we most want to experience.  Write down a list of the people whom you most want to see and the activities that you enjoy the most and make them a priority.  You may discover that there are quite a few activities that had already been scheduled that you actually prefer not to have on your list.


3. Have reasonable expectations – The main reason that people become discouraged and disappointed with the holidays is that they have unrealistic expectations that are not met.  Thinking that every member of your family is going to get along at the family reunion, that you are going to cook a perfect meal that pleases everyone, and that you are going to be on an emotional high throughout the holidays is bound to create disappointment.


4.  Focus on the simple pleasures – The most fulfilling experiences frequently do not cost a lot of money.  Taking a walk with a friend or relative, making cookies with children, playing games, reading by the fireside, and volunteering at a local charity are but a few of the experiences that nurture the heart with little or no demand on the pocketbook.


5.  Express gratitude – Being thankful opens your heart and creates the opportunities to being in the flow and to savoring the positive within everyone and everything that you are experiencing, however it unfolds.  Accept that every holiday is different and perfect in its own way.


6.  Breathe, breathe, breathe – We all have a tendency to “hold our breath” when we are busy and under stress.  Simply creating frequent times throughout the day to take some deep breaths is a great way to diffuse stress.


Most importantly, the true meaning of the holiday season is to remember our heart connection with others through the power of love.   By being kind to yourself and honoring your own needs, you create a balanced foundation from which to share your love with others in a peaceful way.


Love and Light,

