Gender Equality


This is an image in red of the gender symbols with text that says Gender Equality




This past Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day, which we associate with the feminine role in our society.  We are now looking forward to Father’s Day on June 16, which we connect with the masculine role within our world.  Since we are presently in the gap between these two gender-associated holidays, it feels like the perfect time to discuss a topic which is currently getting a great deal of attention and publicity:  Gender equality.  



Gender equality, is also known as sexual equality, equality of the genders, and gender neutral. All of these terms imply that men and women should receive equal treatment. The concept is based on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and the ultimate aim is to provide equality in law and equality in social situations, especially in democratic activities and securing equal pay for equal work.



There are presently two books on the New York Times Best Seller List that are delivering powerful messages about the importance of gender equality: Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, urges women to pursue their careers without ambivalence. The other book, The Athena Doctrine, by John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio, discusses how the feminine values of nurturing, listening, and collaborating are redefining success for both genders. It is very interesting to note that Sheryl Sandberg is a woman advocating for females to invoke more masculine qualities; and John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio are men calling for business to incorporate what is viewed as feminine values.



Everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side



It is important that we do not confuse this topic with perceiving that this is a battle of male vs. female. Whether we are male or female, and no matter what our sexual preferences are, everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side. This is the yin/yang energy that has been referred to in Asian cultures for thousands of years.  There are certain characteristics that are inherent within both masculine and feminine energy.  Masculine energy (yang) deals with the strength of the self and the value of your own life.  Some of the qualities we attribute to being masculine are:  power, aggression, survival, focus, and decisiveness.  Feminine energy (yin) is more tuned into the value of the life of others and letting others take control of their own lives.  Some of the qualities we associate with being feminine are:  intuitive, gentle, nurturing, compassionate, and responsive to the needs of others.



For thousands of years, the collective energy of our world has been primarily masculine in nature.  Business, in particular, has been dominated by masculine energy because it has been focused on competition, power, and the bottom line. While up to this point in our evolution, this predominance of masculine energy has been appropriate in order to survive, an excess of masculine energy is being reflected in our social problems of greed, violence, and crime.  This is not to say that masculine energy is bad – far from it!  It is an extremely important component in our society, but we need to realize that it is imperative to maintain a balance of masculine energy as we bring in more feminine energy.  The key word here is BALANCE.



The fact that the issue of gender equality is moving to the forefront of our attention is an extraordinary sign that humanity is evolving to a much higher perspective than we have been in the past. We are being called upon to integrate the masculine qualities of focusing on the strength of self and being action oriented with the feminine qualities of being compassionate and responsive to the genuine needs of others.



The energy of Universal Love is a perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy.  While the world around us may seem pretty tumultuous right now, we can find great inspiration in knowing that we are beginning to integrate our masculine and feminine qualities internally and externally.  As we each discover the balance of masculine/ feminine energy within ourselves, it is being reflected in the conditions of our outer world.  Humanity is beginning to move out of polarity and into our spiritual truth of ONENESS!



I welcome any stories you choose to share regarding your struggles and successes on your personal journey toward gender equality.



Love and Light,



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