Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

So here we are – the second day of our 7-day preparation for the Great Shift of December 21, and the topic I had chosen for today is how to feel peaceful in the midst of chaos. The tragic shootings in Newtown, CT have only just occurred and the wounds are raw for everyone who has been touched by this horrific event, and by that, I mean all of humanity.


At this moment, you are most likely asking yourself some pretty deep questions: “Love unconditionally?  Remain centered?  How can anyone remain loving and peaceful while we are still experiencing the shockwaves of losing our dear children and beloved teachers?  Quite simply, WHY?”


There is no explanation I could possibly offer that would rationalize the massacre of 28 people.  Mindlessly killing anyone, let alone children, is an act of violence that rocks our sense of morality to the core.  This feels like a nightmare, except when we woke up this morning, it was still true – it really did happen.


Yesterday all I could do was sit with my feelings of grief and shock.  Wanting to honor my commitment to bring the message of inner peace to this blog today, I got up this morning, sat in silence and asked:  Is it still in the greatest good that I write about inner peace today?   What am I (and all of humanity) to learn from this incredibly sad situation?  The answers came through clearly.  I share some of them with you now:


  1. Remember your direct connection: We all have a direct pipeline to our Creative Source that is unconditionally available to every one of us all the time.   Creation is innately unconditional love; therefore it is the true spiritual nature of humans.  The violence we are witnessing is most certainly not being imposed by a Divine Creator in order to punish us.  It is the result of humans blocking this flow of love by forgetting our Divine Connection. Create times throughout the day to sit in silence and allow the love to flow to and through you.
  2. Choose to be peace: Peace is not a condition of life we find when things around us quiet down.  It is a perception we need to consciously choose, no matter what we are experiencing. In order to BE peace, we need to create the time to sit in silence periodically throughout the day so that we can re-train our minds and bodies to remember how it FEELS to be peaceful. By doing this we can collectively create a center point for those who are incapacitated through trauma and pain.
  3. Open your heart: Feel your feelings.  Tragedies remind us that each one of us is connected with everyone and everything through the energy of our hearts.  We are remembering compassion.
  4. Tune into your values: Tragedies profoundly reflect to us how much we can hurt ourselves and others when we make choices that defy our spiritual truth. Rather than focusing on how this violates your values, allow such events to remind you of what is most important to all of us: love.
  5. Connect with each other through your light: We can create a force field of divine healing energy by working through the Power of our Oneness with our creator and each other.  We need to work together to transmit this Field of Light to anyone and everything in need of healing.  Envision Light moving into the top of your head, oozing into your heart, then streaming out to connect with everyone and everything, especially the pain that hovers over Newtown, CT.


We unite our hearts though the power of Love and Light and envision a force field of divine energy is now healing everyone.


Remember, it is far more powerful to hold a center of peace and calm in the midst of a storm than to allow your boat to take on the waters of chaos.


Please feel free to use the comments section on this post to add your blessings for the victims and their families.  We all join with you in your vision of healing.


Love and Light,




Preparing for December 21, 2012 

Day 1: End of the World? No. Beginning of a New Reality? Yes.

Day 2: Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos



4 thoughts on “Finding Peace in the Midst of Chaos

  1. Hi Sandy,
    Your insights and prayers were so helpful. I wondered if you saw Emily Parker’s dad on CNN on Friday. He requested some air time to talk about his little 6 year old daughter who was killed. The love that poured through him was deeply inspiring not only for his daughter but for the killer’s family and all who were suffering. He talked about Emily telling about her life here on earth and the last time he saw her and her last words to him were “I love you” and he gave her a goodbye kiss as he left for work. He showed no anger or bitterness but only love and said his religion and the support from his friends were getting him through this. He was in the fog of darkness yet you could see the light that his love was giving him. Love never dies and the darkness cannot extinguish the light.

    Love and peace,

    • Yes, I did see Emily Parker’s dad intereviewed on CNN on Friday. He was the face of grace and a model of forgiveness for all of us. His message of love was unconditional: he included the shooter, as well as the victims, reminding us that, through the power of oneness, we are being called to forgive not only those who are hurt, but those who, in great fear, commit acts of violence and hatred.

  2. Good Morning Sandy

    I have been agonizing over what took place in Newtown along with the country. The one thing that comes to mind is the 28 souls that were taken from us. Listening to the parents and how they talked about them, they were so enlightened. We are getting ready at this time for this ascension, do you think that even though this was a violent act, these children and teachers were taken as part of the ascension.
    I really don’t know and maybe many of us would not know how that is to really happen, but it certainly came to me yesterday about that.


    • Dear Barbara: Your comment is very interesting. I too had a wave of energy run through my body, concurrent with the thought that the souls of these children may have volunteered their lives to demonstrate, in a very powerful way, the need for the world to come together through the power of love.

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