Welcome 2014! Another Year That Brings Forth Many Opportunities To Reinvent Ourselves


This is an image of year 2014 with an arrow pointing down a road toward light - as though we have the whole year ahead of us.

© Aslyson/ Shutterstock.com


As we begin yet another new year, we may beat ourselves up for not sticking with the previous year’s resolutions (uh oh – I didn’t keep my resolution to exercise every other day and/or to lose that 50 pounds!). This can lead to a sense of resignation about being able to achieve things in the New Year.


Studies consistently indicate that we tend to be extremely self-critical. Psychologist, Rick Hanson, states, “The mind is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones.” That said, we also know that one of the best ways to motivate ourselves is by focusing on our accomplishments.  Since we tend to measure our successes from the previous year by only the “big things” we have achieved, we overlook the countless “little things” we’ve done that have added a lot of quality to our lives and the lives of others.


This is an image of the word negative crossed out and the the words Think Positive displayed

© Anson0618 / Shutterstock.com



For this reason, I encourage you to congratulate yourself for the many things you DID accomplish in 2013, like all the times you:


  • Were supportive of your child/children when you felt you didn’t have an ounce of patience left to do so
  • Listened attentively to your spouse or partner sharing a problem even when you were experiencing plenty of your own challenges
  • Went to work or finished a major project, giving it your all even though you were exhausted
  • Smiled and said “thank you” to someone who needed to hear it
  • Forgave someone who really hurt your feelings
  • Placed a phone call or sent an email to encourage someone even though you, yourself, were feeling discouraged
  • Offered encouragement to someone in pain even while you were experiencing your own pain
  • Volunteered to take time to help someone in need even though your calendar was jammed
  • Took the time to recycle even though it would have been a lot easier to just throw everything into the trash


I could go on and on – but you get the picture!


So this year, let’s do something different.  Make it your number one resolution to be kind to yourself and thank yourself for all that you’ve already accomplished.  You were and are amazing!


Drop a comment on this post to share what you’d like to thank yourself for today.


Love and Light




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