How Can We Create A Physical World of Unconditional Love?

This is an image of a blue cloudy ski with the word VISION spelled out in the clouds

© phloxii/

We came to this magnificent earth to experience our true spiritual nature by using our creative energy to manifest unconditional love into physical form. As we each become whole within ourselves, we have the strength to remember our connection with each other, and we experience Oneness.


Oneness is our spiritual connection with everyone and everything through the energy of universal love. The qualities of Oneness are love, health, peace, joy, and abundance. Because we are each created in the energy of unconditional love, it is divine will that we experience the qualities of Oneness in our lives.


Each of us has the awesome ability to consciously and actively participate in the co-creation of a kinder, more enlightened world through the practice of vision prayers. Visions are mental pictures, inspired by the soul, clarifying what we want to experience in our lives. Prayer is the energetic bridge that links our visions to universal spirit. When our vision prayers coincide with universal truth, absolutely everything and anything is possible because we are living in concert with the laws of nature.


When I completed the book, “The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose,” I was spiritually guided with the words for A Vision of Oneness. Because this prayer is based on the spiritual truth of our unity, it resonates at an extremely high frequency and has the creative potential to manifest quickly and in ways that far transcend our human understanding.


The following is an explanation of why each word is so powerful:


I AM at one with The Source of Light and Ultimate Expression of Universal Love.


We instantly elevate our vibration by beginning our prayers with I AM, the most powerful two words known to man because they are the essence of ultimate creative energy. We are affirming our direct and personal connection with the unified field of love and intelligence and are embracing our power to co-create with Creative Source.


I AM an open, active channel receiving and expressing unconditional love.


When we align the will of our minds and the actions of our bodies to coincide with divine will, we are exalting our minds and bodies to resonate with the infinitely higher vibration of Spirit, which clears the path for the energy of universal love to flow to and from us.


I AM thankful for all that is.


The resonance of gratitude also raises our vibration and increases our capacity to receive. We can certainly express our thanks for specific things; however, when we are also thankful for everything that exists, we honor the divinity in every person we meet, every challenge we encounter, and every situation we experience, whether it has been pleasant or not. When we do this, we broaden our perceptions to accommodate an even greater flow of blessings because we recognize the blessings in all that we see and experience.


I see myself joyfully experiencing peace within, health at all levels of my being, and abundance in all forms that are in my greatest good.


We connect our visions with the universal field of unconditional love and infinite potential by declaring what we want to experience in our lives as though it is already in existence. We can see it with our mind’s eye and declare it through words. What matters most is that we affirm the qualities of life we truly want to experience and feel it within our hearts as though it has already been accomplished.


I see my personal healing contributing to a World of Unconditional Love, Harmony, Wholeness, Abundance, and Joy.


Each one of us affects all of us. As we heal our own individual lives, we can honor our personal responsibility to contribute to a world in which we can all experience the qualities of Oneness by expanding our personal visions to a larger world view.


I surrender this vision to the unconditional love of the Universe.


Between our physical reality and our visions of new possibilities is a space in which we need to surrender our personal will. When we surrender, we let go of our ego’s need to control the outcomes, and we place the masterminding of how our prayers are answered into the hands of universal intelligence. When we surrender a prayer to the love of the universe, we are acknowledging the infinite wisdom of Spirit to provide resolutions that far surpass our grandest human plans because they are answered in ways that are for the good of the whole.


I know this prayer is being answered in ways that are for the greatest good of all.


This is the faith part of our prayer and the point at which our limiting belief systems many times start to creep in. We often question the power of our human spirit to create with divine energy. Pure faith transcends believing or understanding – it is KNOWING that our prayers are always answered, even if we cannot see it with our physical eyes. When we expect positive outcomes, we are acknowledging that our prayer has been heard and is accomplished according to divine will. Interestingly, the word “expect” is derived from the Latin words ex (from) and pector (heart). It is the nature of the Universe to work in concert with the desires of the heart.




This is the part of the prayer where we release our intentions to the Universe. The sound of “Amen” is extremely significant: “Aaah” is the sound of creation and breath, and “om” is the sound of manifestation (bringing energy into physical form). Saying this prayer at least once a day has phenomenal potential to heal your life and to bless the world. Since our thoughts create our reality, one can only imagine the infinite transformational energy that can be generated by the majority of our world population uniting with each other in this vision prayer for global spiritual healing! We have the power to bring heaven to earth!


Love and Light





Sandra Brossman is the author of The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 


The Light Is Within You

This is the image of a human with all their inner light shining through in vibrant colors



As we evolve in our spiritual journey, we are increasingly hearing more and more about Divine Light.  The mere mention of the word light reminds us of many pleasant feelings, such as: radiant, bright, warm, delightful, floating, effortless, uplifting and clear.  We seem to intuitively know that light is synonymous with our truth, as is evident in expressions such as, “It wasn’t clear to me at first, but I finally saw the light.”


But what about darkness?  Most of us associate darkness with the negative side of life – such as: pain, fear, obscurity, depression, poverty, and sickness.  At a soul level, none of us enjoys experiencing the “dark side of life” –  and yet, here we are, living in a world in which we are personally and collectively experiencing sickness, violence, greed, crime, and poverty.  What is the meaning of all this darkness?


From a spiritual perspective, unconditional love is all that is real; therefore darkness is simply the absence of love.  We came to this physical world to remember our True Self through the experience of separation from our creative source. The greatest divine gift we have been given in this dynamic physical world of polarities is the power to choose our perceptions.  Since light (perceptions of love) and darkness (perceptions of fear) are  ultimate opposites, we can only remember the light through the contrast of darkness.


Many times our greatest growth periods come through the experience of the pain of separation.  Those of us who have experienced “dark times” in life through tremendously challenging situations such as serious illness and mental, emotional, and physical trauma know the opportunities within these situations to gain enormous wisdom and insight about life.


Indeed, there are lessons within our lives that may be much more apparent in the darkness of our despair because we can focus more intensely when there are fewer things to see.  It is like walking into a dark room—at first we can see nothing, yet after our eyes have had a chance to refocus, we begin to clearly see particular items even though the room is still dark.  Likewise, we can have some very profound insights about areas of our lives that need improvement while we are quietly lying in bed recovering from illness and surgery, during  the inactive times that may come with being unemployed, or by feeling disoriented in an entirely new environment.


Painful experiences also remind us how to be compassionate and non-judgmental toward others.  We can theorize about how it might feel to have a life-threatening illness, deal with a drug addiction, go through a divorce, lose a job, or have serious money problems; but it is the actual experience of living through these types of experiences that opens our hearts to express tenderness and total compassion to others who are wrestling with their own challenges in life.


We are all experiencing different dramatic versions of the pain of separation in our lives as we awaken to our true spiritual nature.  Be gentle and compassionate with yourself – resisting the areas of your life that are challenging your soul is like fighting with your own shadow.  The most effective way we can move through the darkness is to simply accept that our challenges are all a part of a masterful universal plan to remind us of our wholeness and our power to return to the Oneness of unconditional love.


As we awaken to this truth, we also begin to remember that the Light we are seeking cannot be found outside of ourselves through our material world.  THE LIGHT WE SEEK IS WITHIN – IT IS SHINING TO US AND THROUGH US.  Rather than react to the fear that appears as darkness, it is our spiritual mission to bring divine light to everyone and everything  through our mere presence.


Pure light includes the full spectrum of every color known and unknown to us.  When pure light passes through a prism, the prism refracts the incoming light wave into many other different wave lengths. When we perceive humanity in the metaphorical sense of being one gigantic prism, we see that collectively we form a beautiful rainbow coming from one source of divine light.  As we focus on the light within ourselves and all others, we begin to merge back into one brilliant wave of pure light as, together, we return to our original state of enlightenment and Oneness.


Namaste!  (The light within me honors the light within you),




A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 


Natural Disasters Remind Us That We Are All One

This is the image of a mountain range with beautiful magenta flowers in the foreground

© Creative Travel Projects/Shutterstock



The super typhoon, Haiyan, that roared through the Philippines last week is one of the most powerful storms recorded in history. At least 10,000 people have been killed and about 70 to 80 percent of everything in its path was swept away.

When nature unleashes its phenomenal powers, we are compelled to take notice.  It is times like these that we become acutely aware that we are all part of one human family, and that we are being called upon to come together to support each other and to bring balance to our earth in any way that we can. 


Regardless of our race, nationality, sex, creed, age, or socioeconomic status, we are one human family interdependent and interconnected with each other and with all the elements of nature.  Although we are each different in appearance and expression, we walk the earth together and share the same sun, moon, stars, oceans, and sky with each other, as well as with the animals, flowers, trees, grass, and rocks.  The way we take care of our planet is the way it takes care of us.  When any part of our ecosystem is out of balance, we become individually and collectively imbalanced.  When an animal, plant, or mineral becomes depleted, we have also lost a part of ourselves.  Like a circle of dominos, what affects any one of us automatically impacts every one of us. 


Natural disasters, such as typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes are all indications that our beloved Earth is seeking to balance itself.  Water is traditionally a symbol of emotion.  Since nothing is separated, when the waters of the earth create destruction and seem out of control, it is possibly a mirror image of humanity’s emotions also being destructive and out of control. Because we are a part of the earth, and the earth is part of who we are, every person has the power to contribute to the healing of our planet through the energy of divine unconditional love. Through prayer, we have the collective creative power to transform our earth. 



I invite you to say this prayer every day and to share it with many others. It will change your life; and in so doing, you will contribute to the healing of the world at large. Breathe in deeply, express each word slowly and with intention, imagine the beauty of a world of Oneness, and feel it in your heart as though it is already manifest.  Our thoughts create our reality, so one can only imagine the infinite transformational energy that can be generated by the majority of our world population uniting with each other in this vision prayer for global healing.



A Vision of Oneness


I am at one with the Source of Universal Light and the Ultimate Expression of Universal Love.

I am an open, active channel receiving and expressing unconditional love.


I am thankful for all that is. 


I am joyfully experiencing peace within, health at all levels of my being, and abundance in all forms that are in my greatest good.
I see my personal healing contributing to a
World of Unconditional Love, Harmony, Wholeness, Abundance, and Joy.

I surrender this vision to the unconditional love of the Universe. 



I know this prayer is answered in ways that are for the

greatest good of all.

(Excerpt from “The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose”,
By Sandra Brossman) 


Love and Light,



For more information on how you can help to heal disasters and tragedies, you may find it helpful to access a former blog, What Can I Do To Help Heal the Disasters and Tragedies Within the World. 


For more information on healing your life, order the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.



The Power of Prayer

The image of a peaceful and beautiful woman praying with light streaming on her face

© Subbotina Anna/shutterstock



In the midst of a physical world in which we are all being tremendously challenged to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, there is nothing more effective in bringing us peace and balance than prayer.



“Prayer” is a word that is many times used in a completely religious context. 



While prayer is a part of most religions, it is so much more than a practice or ritual that is specific to any religion. Whatever differences we may have in our personal and religious perceptions, studies consistently show that the majority of our world population believes in a spiritual Supreme Being.  The terms we use to describe this Supreme Being are very personal and depend upon our individual beliefs. In religions, this life force is referenced by many names, some of which are God, Jehovah, Adonoi, Yahweh, and Allah. Some of the spiritual terms used to describe this creative life force are: Creator, Creative Source, Universal Love, Oneness, Supreme Being, Source of Unconditional Love, and Universal Source.



It does not matter what we choose to call this Source of Unconditional Love – We are all connected to it! 



As we awaken to our truth, we are remembering that we all have a direct soul connection with this Field of Unconditional Love. This awareness also helps us to realize that prayer is much more than a religious exercise – it is a human experience!  We do not need to do anything to “qualify” ourselves to be able to pray, nor do we need to be sanctified in any way. Our ability to pray is as natural as breathing. Since we cannot define it in human concepts, we can only experience it as a constantly emerging energy of life within and all around us. We can feel it in our hearts as unity, expansion, and wholeness. 



Prayer is the bridge that links each of our individual souls to each other and to the Source of Unconditional Love. 



When we pray, we are opening our hearts and minds to inviting the energy of unconditional love into our lives. I think of prayer as having a radar connection to “Home.” While we are immersed in darkness – it is our point of reference in the midst of confusion and chaos. Our prayers are always answered. Sometimes we don’t recognize the universal responses to our prayers because they do not manifest exactly in the ways that we are expecting from our individual perspectives. Because prayer links us into the “Power of Oneness,” it is our connection with Infinite Potential, so there is no limit to the blessings we can receive through prayer. Prayer is on a frequency that resonates with divine light – the same light that is the core essence of each one of us – and has the potential to transform any person and any situation in ways that far transcend our human rationale.



Ask and It Is Given



The essence of this immortal message has been echoed so many times, in so many ways, and in every language; and yet are we really listening to this message? It is such an awesome and wonderful truth that we find it difficult to believe: WE CAN ASK FOR ANYTHING WE NEED!  Indeed, the only reason we receive so few answers to our prayers is that we ask for so little!  It is through prayer that we can remember truth in a world of drama and illusion, receive inspiration even when we are totally discouraged, and ask for direction whenever we feel lost. The energy that comes into us through prayer gives us the strength to move forward even when we feel vulnerable and fragile.  As we perceive prayer in this light, we realize that it is not necessary to be in a state of panic or misery to justify praying, nor do we have to wait until we have free time or are in a special place.  In fact, prayer is so much a part of our nature that we can pray anytime and anywhere: in a church or in a sports stadium; alone or in a crowd; with our eyes open or closed; aloud or in silence.



Most importantly, prayer helps us to remember, at the deepest level of our being-ness, that no matter what we are seeing and experiencing, no matter how challenging our situations may be, and no matter what our human differences are, every one of us has the ability to access spiritual truth through our direct connection to Infinite Wisdom.  WHAT A POWERFUL REALIZATION!



Love and Light,



How Can We Access Our Inner Spiritual Wisdom?

This is an image of a chalkboard with colorful chalk that says, "Follow Your Intuition"

© YuryZap/shutterstock



Living a life of spiritual integrity requires that make we make decisions and choose perceptions that align with our inner spiritual wisdom.  This sounds rather simple, but how do we access our inner wisdom?



Many of us associate the thought of accessing inner wisdom in an esoteric way, such as: going into a lengthy and deep meditation in an isolated environment; seeking seclusion in a monastery; spending time in a distant place such as an ashram; or, at the very least, needing to be completely alone in a quiet place.  While all of these techniques are highly effective in accessing spiritual wisdom, the truth is that every human being has the ability to instantaneously and directly access the universal field of intelligence from wherever we are, at any time, and all of the time through intuition.  In essence, we are each a conduit for a constant stream of limitless wisdom.



One of the definitions of intuition is, “the immediate knowing of something without the conscious use of reasoning.   Because intuition is a right-brain function, it isn’t something we can analyze with our minds.  Intuitive messages bypass the judgment of the mind and come directly through to the heart, thus the saying, “the truth is within.”



How Do We Perceive Intuition?


Because intuitive messages come through the heart, they are perceived through our senses.  These feelings are sometimes described as “gut level,” “sixth sense,” “inner wisdom,” “inner knowing,” and “flashes of imagination.”  Many of us actually experience physical sensations when we hear or see something that coincides with our truth.  We may suddenly get goose bumps, feel a tingling sensation, spontaneously take a deep breath, feel an electrical current going up our backs, or sense an overall wave of energy moving throughout the body.  These sensations are indications that our bodies are literally resonating with the energetic frequency of the truth of spirit.  We can also get physical indications when something we are hearing or seeing is not truth.  Usually it is a contracted feeling, such as a knot in the stomach or throat, shortness of breath, or a sudden chill.



Every person has intuition.



Although we all sense it in different ways, and some of us even deny sensing it at all, every person has intuitive abilities–it is part of our human nature.



The reason it appears that not all of us are intuitive is simply because some of us listen to and act upon our inner messages, whereas others simply dismiss them as insignificant.  We many times ignore our intuition because we want to validate our intuitive messages with our left-brain logic and analysis.  When we attempt to do this, we choke the spontaneous flow of wisdom coming through to us because messages of spirit are infinitely larger than the logical paradigms of the mind.  An example of this is getting an intuitive message to write a book and rationalizing all the reasons why it is not a “good idea” before exploring all the possibilities of why it is possible.



How can we distinguish the difference between “intuitive feelings” and “impulsive feelings?”



When we get an impulsive message, it is usually initiated by our ego in the form of a whim to immediately do something, whether it is in our greatest good or not.  Our impulse may be to indulge in an addictive behavior, such as overeating, or to run out and buy something we neither need nor can afford.  If it is an impulse, chances are we will change our minds if we wait for a while or sleep on the idea.  Also we are likely to feel guilty or unfulfilled after acting impulsively.



Intuitive messages, on the other hand, are relentless and persistent.  Even when we ignore them, they have the tenacious habit of resurfacing time and time again.  Intuitive messages are always in our best interests, causing us to feel uplifted and fulfilled.  Because intuition connects us with our Oneness of Spirit, the messages it reveals to us are always rooted in unconditional love and pure truth.  We develop our ability to perceive intuitive messages by listening, trusting, and acting upon them.  The more we do this, the more we empower ourselves to live our lives with spiritual integrity.



Love and Light,



Gender Equality


This is an image in red of the gender symbols with text that says Gender Equality




This past Sunday, we celebrated Mother’s Day, which we associate with the feminine role in our society.  We are now looking forward to Father’s Day on June 16, which we connect with the masculine role within our world.  Since we are presently in the gap between these two gender-associated holidays, it feels like the perfect time to discuss a topic which is currently getting a great deal of attention and publicity:  Gender equality.  



Gender equality, is also known as sexual equality, equality of the genders, and gender neutral. All of these terms imply that men and women should receive equal treatment. The concept is based on the United Nations Declaration of Human Rights, and the ultimate aim is to provide equality in law and equality in social situations, especially in democratic activities and securing equal pay for equal work.



There are presently two books on the New York Times Best Seller List that are delivering powerful messages about the importance of gender equality: Lean In, by Sheryl Sandberg, Chief Operating Officer of Facebook, urges women to pursue their careers without ambivalence. The other book, The Athena Doctrine, by John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio, discusses how the feminine values of nurturing, listening, and collaborating are redefining success for both genders. It is very interesting to note that Sheryl Sandberg is a woman advocating for females to invoke more masculine qualities; and John Gerzema and Michael D’Antonio are men calling for business to incorporate what is viewed as feminine values.



Everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side



It is important that we do not confuse this topic with perceiving that this is a battle of male vs. female. Whether we are male or female, and no matter what our sexual preferences are, everyone has both a masculine and a feminine side. This is the yin/yang energy that has been referred to in Asian cultures for thousands of years.  There are certain characteristics that are inherent within both masculine and feminine energy.  Masculine energy (yang) deals with the strength of the self and the value of your own life.  Some of the qualities we attribute to being masculine are:  power, aggression, survival, focus, and decisiveness.  Feminine energy (yin) is more tuned into the value of the life of others and letting others take control of their own lives.  Some of the qualities we associate with being feminine are:  intuitive, gentle, nurturing, compassionate, and responsive to the needs of others.



For thousands of years, the collective energy of our world has been primarily masculine in nature.  Business, in particular, has been dominated by masculine energy because it has been focused on competition, power, and the bottom line. While up to this point in our evolution, this predominance of masculine energy has been appropriate in order to survive, an excess of masculine energy is being reflected in our social problems of greed, violence, and crime.  This is not to say that masculine energy is bad – far from it!  It is an extremely important component in our society, but we need to realize that it is imperative to maintain a balance of masculine energy as we bring in more feminine energy.  The key word here is BALANCE.



The fact that the issue of gender equality is moving to the forefront of our attention is an extraordinary sign that humanity is evolving to a much higher perspective than we have been in the past. We are being called upon to integrate the masculine qualities of focusing on the strength of self and being action oriented with the feminine qualities of being compassionate and responsive to the genuine needs of others.



The energy of Universal Love is a perfect balance of feminine and masculine energy.  While the world around us may seem pretty tumultuous right now, we can find great inspiration in knowing that we are beginning to integrate our masculine and feminine qualities internally and externally.  As we each discover the balance of masculine/ feminine energy within ourselves, it is being reflected in the conditions of our outer world.  Humanity is beginning to move out of polarity and into our spiritual truth of ONENESS!



I welcome any stories you choose to share regarding your struggles and successes on your personal journey toward gender equality.



Love and Light,



What IS the Difference Between Religion and Spirituality?

This is an image of a person with their arms held up high embracing a beautiful sunset with bright pink and orange hues.

© Dudarev Mikhail/shutterstock

This is a question which comes up in conversations quite frequently.  Although the terms spirituality and religion are often used interchangeably; they do not mean the same thing.



What is Religion?



Religion is a social structure, created by humans, based on a system of beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the Universe.  The ideologies of each particular religion determine the ethics, religious laws, and preferred lifestyle of its followers.  



There are many different religions in the world.  Most of them have chosen a particular path to follow in our eternal human quest for deeper truth and love.  We may choose to belong to a particular religion due to family tradition, life experiences, a desire to associate with a community of people of like mind, and many other personal reasons.  



What is Spirituality?



Spirit is the life force energy of unconditional love that connects all of creation.  The root word of spirit is the Latin word spiritus, which means breath. Remembering this helps us to release the illusion that spirituality is an esoteric concept separate from our physical reality or that it is exclusively attached to any specific religion.  It also helps us to realize that there is no such thing as a “non-spiritual person.” Because spirit is the breath of life, it is an innate part of who we are at the deepest level of our being. 



We do not need to “do” anything to be spiritual. 



Whether we belong to a religion or not, every human being has a soul connection to Spirit. We do not need to choose Spirit, nor do we need to do anything to be chosen.  Like breath, it simply is.  We each have a direct spiritual connection with the unconditional love of a Higher Reality.  We are each free to choose whether we want to acknowledge this Higher Reality or to deny it.  We are also free to decide how we want to perceive it.  There is nothing we need to do to qualify in order to be worthy of  this connection, and it is not necessary to have an intermediary to access it.


Spirit is the essence of Unconditional Love.



Because Spirit is the essence of unconditional love, discovering our spirituality is not something that happens to us or outside of us.  It is the life force of energy WITHIN our very being and is ingrained in every cell of our bodies.  We don’t have to search for love — we ARE, each one of us, the physical embodiment of divine love.  As humans, we are each a spiritual being in a physical body with a divine purpose for being on earth.  Remembering our spiritual connection is the underlying purpose of our journey here on earth. 



We are each on a different path to Oneness.



We are all on different paths moving toward the realization of the unconditional love and infinite potential of Spirit. Whether you have chosen a religion or not, the most important thing each one of us can do is to choose to base our beliefs on the qualities of kindness, respect, and cooperation within our personal lives and in our interaction with others. Respecting the differences within each other is essential for the well being of our entire planet.  It is the only way we can create a world of harmony and peace.



For thousands of years we have used our religions to call attention to our differences – even to the point of having “religious wars.” As humanity evolves,  these lines of separation are dissolving and religions are beginning to converge into the truth of our Oneness.  Indeed, there are encouraging signs everywhere indicating that many of the major religions are expanding the context of their beliefs and doctrines to welcome people of different cultures, race, creed, and socioeconomic status to unite through the common thread of unconditional love.



During times of crisis, we are increasingly seeing people of many different faiths, as well as people who have no particular religious affiliation, unite in prayer for the good of the whole. 



We are each a beautiful and unique piece in the whole puzzle – we are all a part of ONENESS!



I welcome any questions you may have, as well as your insights and experiences regarding the paths you have chosen to become more whole.



Love and Light,



Introducing The Power of Oneness

Dear New Friend:


I am very enthusiastic to announce the launch of our new website based on the book, The Power of Oneness, Live The Life You Choose™.  As the author, I’ve decided one of the most powerful ways to connect with you will be through this blog.


This is a photo of Sandra Brossman, author of The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose

Sandra Brossman, Author of ‘The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose™’


What is the underlying principle of Sandra’s Insights? Imagine a world where, no matter our differences, we are all ONE connected through the spirit of unconditional love.  That world exists right here, right now if we choose to see it.


When my partners and I sat down to design this website we committed to three very clear intentions:  Inspiration, Integrity, and Infinite Potential. As a result of remaining true to this commitment, every single aspect of this site, from the words to the images to the fonts to the products and the colors, is carefully and mindfully rooted in the intention of bringing the message of unconditional love to the lives of our readers (that’s you).


Our mission is to share the wisdom of the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose™ by empowering people to consciously and actively create the quality of personal reality they truly desire.


These are extremely challenging times in which we are living, filled with phenomenal shifts and changes.  Our world is rapidly transforming from a basis of fear and ego (Separation) to the infinitely more expansive foundation of basing our lives on the truth of Oneness.  The time has come for us to embrace these major changes as a wonderful opportunity for growth and expansion. The results help us to overcome the very real everyday issues of stress, anxiety, depression, loneliness and anger.


As an author, energy healer, life skills counselor, and former business consultant, I am committed to sharing insights and experiences with you in a pragmatic way that will help you to integrate these principles into your every day life; and, most importantly, to encourage you by providing insights and expansive perspectives that will inspire you, no matter what you are experiencing in life.


Welcome aboard!  I am honored to travel this journey with you.


Love and Light,

