Are You Paying Attention to the Miracles Around You?

This is the image of two Doves flying in a beautiful blue sky

© Tischenko Irina/

We live in a world in which we have become addicted to stimulation.  It seems that no matter where we go, our five senses are bombarded in environments that are too loud, too bright, too fast, and too aggressive.  Not surprisingly, this overexposure to external stimulation is causing us to become desensitized to the miracles of nature that are all around us.


I am sometimes overwhelmed by the abundance of gifts the earth graciously and unconditionally provides for us with no effort on our part.  The air we breathe, the water we drink, the plants we eat, and the earth beneath our feet are but a few of the phenomenal gifts we tend to take for granted.


When we slow down, take a deep breath, and stop reacting to the external commotion, we stop “looking for miracles” and begin to notice that there are miracles all around us.  Whether we are paying attention or not, Nature lovingly and generously reveals her innate wisdom to us regarding every aspect of life.


Three spring seasons ago, I put a statue of a dove, with the words “peace” inscribed in it, out on my bedroom terrace. I had just moved from a large house and was concerned that, now living on the 14th floor of a high rise, I would no longer be able to enjoy listening to the bird songs that I dearly love.  Since I believe we can communicate with animals, I placed a potted plant on the terrace and sent out a telepathic invitation to the doves to visit us.


Within two weeks, two doves showed up and built a nest within the plant I had placed for them on the terrace. They have continued to return several times a year, every year since.  Because I’ve earned their trust, they allow me to get within 1″ of their nest, talk with them, and water the plant. They have blessed me with a front row seat to witness their amazing procreation process, beginning with their mating (they mate for life).


What follows their mating process is an extraordinary dance of nature where the male and female work in total concert.  They work together in building the nest, laying of the two eggs (she lays the eggs while he protects her), and sharing the responsibilities of alternately scouting for food while the other one sits on the nest.  It does not matter how cold and windy it may be, they remain unswervingly committed to protecting the eggs until they are hatched.  For weeks after that, they take turns protecting the nest and bringing food back and forth.  When the chicks are old enough, the male and female patiently demonstrate to the babies how to fly from the nest, down three feet to the terrace floor, and back to the nest. After a few weeks, they both leave the babies alone for hours at a time and come back several times a day to feed them and check on them. Within a few weeks, the babies are on their own! They don’t get kicked out of the nest, nor are they abandoned – they are given all that they need to begin discovering the world on their own and then set free to experience life. What is really amazing is that after the babies leave the nest, the parents return one more time, sit on the terrace rail, and coo together for hours. I know they are thanking us.


So why am I going on and on with my dove story?


I am reminded of so many lessons in life as I observe these beautiful creatures: The extraordinary things that can be accomplished when working together; the integration of male and female energy; the power of the number “2,” (representing love); their relentless dedication to their life purpose; the demonstration to the babies of how to survive; their uncanny wisdom in knowing when to free the babies to explore life on their own; the innate ability of animals to communicate with each other, and, even more amazing, the ability of the animal species to communicate with us humans.


I recently looked up the meaning of the dove totem. Although they are best known for their symbology of peace, they are also representative of gracefully moving through the veil between the material world and the metaphysical world of Spirit. How perfect!


So here we are again – back to Oneness!  Like the doves, we have the ability to work together in peace and harmony, to lovingly support each other, to bravely fly from the comfort of our “nests” into the unknown, and to move through the veil of our present physical world into the spiritual reality of unconditional love and Oneness.


All of these miraculous lessons are so beautifully and simply taught by the mere presence of two doves!


Love and Light





Sandra Brossman is the author of The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 


Are You Feeling Like Your World Is Dramatically Shifting? PART TWO


This is the image of a blue cloudy sky with a question mark shaped cloud in the middle

© aleisha/

Even though the status of the world may seem overwhelming and out of our personal control, we each have the power to contribute to the healing of the world, beginning with our personal lives, starting in this present moment. Like a drop of water, every single thought we have ripples out into the massive sea of the collective thoughts of all humanity.  By choosing thoughts of love, we automatically unite with other like-minded souls in forming a field of energy that has the infinite power to exponentially create an entirely new world that is the essence of love, kindness, peace, respect and cooperation.


Since thought is creative, whatever we focus on expands.


The emphasis is on the word “create” because love is a sense of well being that originates from the inside, beginning with the intention of the heart.  If we are “looking” for it, we will not be able to find it  because a peaceful, loving world is not something that comes to us from the outside.  The condition of our physical world is a giant mirror reflecting back to us the collective thoughts of every person who is part of our earth family. Since thought is creative, whatever we focus on expands. Therefore, what we are seeing is an indication that part of our human society is predominately focused on judgment, violence, greed, and crime. We can point a finger of blame wherever and to whomever we want, but it does not change the truth that each one of us has played a part in creating the condition of the world in which we live.  Perhaps it has been in seemingly minor, passive ways, such as getting caught up in the turmoil and conflict of the world by watching and listening to endless news reports of violence and acts of desecration. Or, it could be as intensively aggressive as being a perpetrator in a massive heinous crime.  Judging who is “most wrong” renders us powerless and only creates more separation and discord between us and within our lives.


All change begins at the level of self, when we change our individual lives, the world around us changes as well.  


We can only change the quality of our collective personal reality by taking personal responsibility for the part we have each played in creating it.  When we accept this responsibility, we also expand to the much more self-empowering realization that we also have the power to change it.  Each one of us is innately gifted with the ability to contribute to the healing of the world by healing our own personal lives.  All change begins at the level of self, when we change our individual lives, the world around us changes as well.


In order to heal our personal lives, it is imperative that we let go of the past and get in touch with the infinite wisdom of Spirit. No matter how much confusion and change is going on around you, you can create a space of peace and spiritual connection within your life.  The following are some suggestions as to how you can “step into the new world,” beginning with your own life:


Meditate – Create a space of at least 20 minutes every day to sit in a place of peace and quiet.  Your meditation can be as simple as sitting on your sofa and focusing on your breath.  The importance of this cannot be overstated, for it is within the silence that you can remember your mind and body connection with spirit. Trust the wisdom and insights that will come through to you through your intuition.


Pray – Ask for divine guidance as to how you can best bring peace to the world; envision what a peaceful world looks like. Most importantly, imagine the feeling of peace within your own heart.


Forgive –  Let go of the need to be right.  All conflicts, whether it be in personal relationships or between countries, originate from the perception that one party is “right”  and the other is “wrong.”  The most effective way we can release the past and move into a world of love and peace is through the process of forgiveness. For greater insight on forgiveness, you may wish to reference my previous blog, The Greatest Gift We Give To Ourselves.


Live consciously – Align your thoughts, words, and actions with the spiritual values of love, respect, peace, and cooperation.  This requires diligent practice and is the most effective way to live a life of spiritual enlightenment.


Be mindful of what you feed your mind –  Stop watching violent entertainment shows and videos and modify the amount of time you spend following the news. There is a difference between being informed and immersing yourself in the fears of the world.  Instead, spend more time reading, watching, and listening to information that inspires you and nourishes your soul. What you put into your mind is what it feeds back to you.


Commune with Nature – Spend more time outdoors in the beauty of nature.  Nature regenerates your body, mind, and soul and balances your energy.


Every person who is in the world at this time has been divinely gifted with access to the universal wisdom that empowers us to harmonize our energies to bring wholeness to this earth.

Not only CAN we do it – this is our spiritual mission!!


As always, I welcome your thoughts.


Love and Light




You may find it helpful to review Are You Feeling Like Your World Is Dramatically Shifting? PART ONE if you missed last week’s blog.



A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.


Are You Feeling Like Your World Is Dramatically Shifting? PART ONE!

This is the image of blue sky with cotton like clouds with one shaped like a question mark.

© aleisha/


Many of us are living in a state of disorientation, as though the world, as we have known it, is gone. Sure, we have always been challenged by having to face the unknown. It is a well-known fact that the greatest fear we humans have is fear of the unknown. Although change causes us to be uncomfortable, we also know that change is the nature of life and provides the impetus that challenges us to expand in our mental emotional, and spiritual growth. Even with this awareness, the “new world” we are facing somehow feels different.


The vast majority of our population is sensing a highly-charged current of change which is indiscriminately affecting everyone everywhere. No matter who we are, where we live, or what our role is in life, everyone is personally feeling the repercussions of a major shift. We are presently being challenged with unprecedented levels of upheaval and uncertainty as we cope with economic volatility, globalization, major natural disasters, and phenomenal technological growth. Many of the social institutions to which we have long subscribed are in a state of great upheaval. Whether it be within the areas of our government, corporate structure, health care system, educational system, religious organizations, or the family unit, the traditional institutions which, for centuries, have been perceived as the mainstays of our lives are no longer providing us with the kind of security for which we long.


There is a world not only outside of us, but within us as well.


The changes we are witnessing are not only in our external existence, but within our personal lives as well. The outer world is a giant mirror reflecting back what is going on in our individual lives. Many of us are experiencing turmoil in exactly the areas which, in the past, seemed to have provided us with the most stability: job security, personal relationships, positions of power, and financial wealth. There seems to be a relentless hunger deep within us that cannot be satiated by the usual physical gratifications of food, money, power, sex, and fame. In some ways, it feels as though the very foundation of our security is vanishing.


The social changes we are experiencing are not issues within themselves, but evidence of a major shift in our collective thinking. We are moving away from the external values of materialism and moving toward the human inner values of Spirit.


After centuries of looking to our outer world for our sustenance and power, we are remembering a place deep within our souls where we have limitless access to unconditional love, support, renewal, and inspiration. Our soul is our connection Spirit; and it is within this space that we have a sense of correctness that is our truth. As we get in touch with our inner truth, we are coming to realize that many of the external conditions of our personal lives do not coincide with our spiritual values. If our personal lives are not reflecting our truth, then the external social institutions which we have created in this frame of mind do not reflect our truth. Since many things in our lives are changing at the same time, we may feel that we have lost the points of reference which, in the past, have kept us centered.


Humanity is evolving to a higher level of spiritual consciousness.


The brilliant ray of light shining through all of this confusion is that the chaos we are experiencing is a burst of energy giving rise to a more enlightened world that is redefining the center of its existence to coincide with the qualities of spiritual love. We are becoming aware that we need to find our security internally rather than in external institutions. Instead of looking to our outer world to define and control us, we are increasingly taking personal responsibility to turn to our inner spirit to reveal who we are and why we are here. Our souls are uniting in a common desire to create a new sense of world order that resonates with the spiritual values that reside within the deepest level of our being. This desire is for a sense of order within our minds, not just in the conditions around us. We are longing for a life of self-respect and peace and are becoming mindful of the fact that these qualities are a reflection of our internal state of being, not of external conditions. We are yearning to reclaim our sense of self and our passion for life, and we are realizing these are things that can be found only inside of our hearts and minds, not in a material world outside of ourselves.


The crisis we are experiencing is an extremely encouraging indication.


What we are seeing is what we have thus far created together, largely in an unconscious way, through our thoughts and actions. We can perceive this crisis as social destruction and random confusion. On the other hand, we can choose to see our world in a new light. Indeed, the word crisis, defined by Webster as a turning point for the better or worse, is derived from the Greek root word, krisis, which literally means decision. We can decide to make this a turning point for the better by making a commitment to our own personal healing.


Although this may all sound a bit overwhelming, take a deep breath – we are all in this together. Each one of us can make a tremendous contribution to the healing of our world. Because we have all played a part in creating the physical reality we are presently experiencing, we each have the power to contribute to the healing of the world by healing our personal lives to integrate with the values of the unconditional love of Spirit. As we change our individual lives, the world around us changes as well.


So how do we navigate our personal lives to align with a “new world” of spiritual integrity?  We will discuss this in next week’s blog, Part Two, of “Are You Feeling Like Your World is Dramatically Shifting?”


Love and Light




A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.


What IS the Difference Between Religion and Spirituality?

This is an image of a person with their arms held up high embracing a beautiful sunset with bright pink and orange hues.

© Dudarev Mikhail/shutterstock

This is a question which comes up in conversations quite frequently.  Although the terms spirituality and religion are often used interchangeably; they do not mean the same thing.



What is Religion?



Religion is a social structure, created by humans, based on a system of beliefs, attitudes, and practices. Many religions have narratives, symbols, traditions and sacred histories that are intended to give meaning to life or to explain the origin of life or the Universe.  The ideologies of each particular religion determine the ethics, religious laws, and preferred lifestyle of its followers.  



There are many different religions in the world.  Most of them have chosen a particular path to follow in our eternal human quest for deeper truth and love.  We may choose to belong to a particular religion due to family tradition, life experiences, a desire to associate with a community of people of like mind, and many other personal reasons.  



What is Spirituality?



Spirit is the life force energy of unconditional love that connects all of creation.  The root word of spirit is the Latin word spiritus, which means breath. Remembering this helps us to release the illusion that spirituality is an esoteric concept separate from our physical reality or that it is exclusively attached to any specific religion.  It also helps us to realize that there is no such thing as a “non-spiritual person.” Because spirit is the breath of life, it is an innate part of who we are at the deepest level of our being. 



We do not need to “do” anything to be spiritual. 



Whether we belong to a religion or not, every human being has a soul connection to Spirit. We do not need to choose Spirit, nor do we need to do anything to be chosen.  Like breath, it simply is.  We each have a direct spiritual connection with the unconditional love of a Higher Reality.  We are each free to choose whether we want to acknowledge this Higher Reality or to deny it.  We are also free to decide how we want to perceive it.  There is nothing we need to do to qualify in order to be worthy of  this connection, and it is not necessary to have an intermediary to access it.


Spirit is the essence of Unconditional Love.



Because Spirit is the essence of unconditional love, discovering our spirituality is not something that happens to us or outside of us.  It is the life force of energy WITHIN our very being and is ingrained in every cell of our bodies.  We don’t have to search for love — we ARE, each one of us, the physical embodiment of divine love.  As humans, we are each a spiritual being in a physical body with a divine purpose for being on earth.  Remembering our spiritual connection is the underlying purpose of our journey here on earth. 



We are each on a different path to Oneness.



We are all on different paths moving toward the realization of the unconditional love and infinite potential of Spirit. Whether you have chosen a religion or not, the most important thing each one of us can do is to choose to base our beliefs on the qualities of kindness, respect, and cooperation within our personal lives and in our interaction with others. Respecting the differences within each other is essential for the well being of our entire planet.  It is the only way we can create a world of harmony and peace.



For thousands of years we have used our religions to call attention to our differences – even to the point of having “religious wars.” As humanity evolves,  these lines of separation are dissolving and religions are beginning to converge into the truth of our Oneness.  Indeed, there are encouraging signs everywhere indicating that many of the major religions are expanding the context of their beliefs and doctrines to welcome people of different cultures, race, creed, and socioeconomic status to unite through the common thread of unconditional love.



During times of crisis, we are increasingly seeing people of many different faiths, as well as people who have no particular religious affiliation, unite in prayer for the good of the whole. 



We are each a beautiful and unique piece in the whole puzzle – we are all a part of ONENESS!



I welcome any questions you may have, as well as your insights and experiences regarding the paths you have chosen to become more whole.



Love and Light,



What is My Life Purpose?

© Tom Wang/shutterstock



This is perhaps the most frequently asked question in life. We all long to know why we came to this earth and what is the meaning of our lives.


This question incites a tremendous drive within us to discover the answer. Whether on a conscious or subconscious level, we are aware that knowing our soul’s purpose helps us to realize our true potential, gives meaning to our lives, or, at the very least, helps us to make sense of the extraordinary challenges we all face each day.


In an attempt to discover our life purpose in a definable way, we look everywhere. Perhaps we seek our life purpose through our jobs or through our personal relationships. Maybe we seek our life purpose by striving to be wealthy, or by obtaining powerful positions of influence, or by being popular. We may even seek our life purpose by trying to have the perfect body.


If you are seeking to discover your life purpose in these external ways, you most likely feel frustrated, unfulfilled, and downright exhausted. This is because our life purpose cannot be discovered outside of ourselves through titles, money, power, fame, or physical appearance. There is certainly nothing wrong with being successful, powerful, influential, and attractive. The trap lies in our believing that this is what defines us. Our true life purpose is not found in the roles we play in life. It works the other way around.


Our life purpose lies within our souls – the answer is within.


In other words, it is not about DOING, it is about BEING. To cite the popular quote originated by Yogi Bhajan, “We are not human doings – we are human beings.”


I believe that many of us feel we have not discovered our life purpose because we are looking for some grandiose life mission that involves saving humanity. Some of us even believe that this salvation can only be accomplished  by becoming a doctor, a miraculous healer, or by accomplishing some heroic deed.


The truth is that when we focus our attention on BEing, we begin to realize that every thought we have, every word we speak, and every action we take is not only creating our personal reality, it also has a ripple effect on everyone, everywhere. This awareness creates an authentic motivation from within, and our accomplishments become the result of our living in alignment with our spiritual values rather than a quest for external validation.


“Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles,

it takes away today’s peace.”


BEing our genuine self requires bringing awareness to every moment. This means we let go of the pain of the past and stop stressing about the future. I love the saying, “Worrying does not take away tomorrow’s troubles, it takes away today’s peace.” When we focus our energy in present time, we are free to be who we are. We shift our energy from our heads into our hearts, which allows us to choose thoughts, words, and deeds that are kind, respectful, compassionate, and cooperative.


So, we can stop elusively searching for the meaning of life. There really is an answer and it is the same for every one of us. Our life purpose is to BE love.


Have you been searching outside yourself to discover your life purpose?


I welcome you to share your story.


Love and Light,

