How Can We Create A Physical World of Unconditional Love?

This is an image of a blue cloudy ski with the word VISION spelled out in the clouds

© phloxii/

We came to this magnificent earth to experience our true spiritual nature by using our creative energy to manifest unconditional love into physical form. As we each become whole within ourselves, we have the strength to remember our connection with each other, and we experience Oneness.


Oneness is our spiritual connection with everyone and everything through the energy of universal love. The qualities of Oneness are love, health, peace, joy, and abundance. Because we are each created in the energy of unconditional love, it is divine will that we experience the qualities of Oneness in our lives.


Each of us has the awesome ability to consciously and actively participate in the co-creation of a kinder, more enlightened world through the practice of vision prayers. Visions are mental pictures, inspired by the soul, clarifying what we want to experience in our lives. Prayer is the energetic bridge that links our visions to universal spirit. When our vision prayers coincide with universal truth, absolutely everything and anything is possible because we are living in concert with the laws of nature.


When I completed the book, “The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose,” I was spiritually guided with the words for A Vision of Oneness. Because this prayer is based on the spiritual truth of our unity, it resonates at an extremely high frequency and has the creative potential to manifest quickly and in ways that far transcend our human understanding.


The following is an explanation of why each word is so powerful:


I AM at one with The Source of Light and Ultimate Expression of Universal Love.


We instantly elevate our vibration by beginning our prayers with I AM, the most powerful two words known to man because they are the essence of ultimate creative energy. We are affirming our direct and personal connection with the unified field of love and intelligence and are embracing our power to co-create with Creative Source.


I AM an open, active channel receiving and expressing unconditional love.


When we align the will of our minds and the actions of our bodies to coincide with divine will, we are exalting our minds and bodies to resonate with the infinitely higher vibration of Spirit, which clears the path for the energy of universal love to flow to and from us.


I AM thankful for all that is.


The resonance of gratitude also raises our vibration and increases our capacity to receive. We can certainly express our thanks for specific things; however, when we are also thankful for everything that exists, we honor the divinity in every person we meet, every challenge we encounter, and every situation we experience, whether it has been pleasant or not. When we do this, we broaden our perceptions to accommodate an even greater flow of blessings because we recognize the blessings in all that we see and experience.


I see myself joyfully experiencing peace within, health at all levels of my being, and abundance in all forms that are in my greatest good.


We connect our visions with the universal field of unconditional love and infinite potential by declaring what we want to experience in our lives as though it is already in existence. We can see it with our mind’s eye and declare it through words. What matters most is that we affirm the qualities of life we truly want to experience and feel it within our hearts as though it has already been accomplished.


I see my personal healing contributing to a World of Unconditional Love, Harmony, Wholeness, Abundance, and Joy.


Each one of us affects all of us. As we heal our own individual lives, we can honor our personal responsibility to contribute to a world in which we can all experience the qualities of Oneness by expanding our personal visions to a larger world view.


I surrender this vision to the unconditional love of the Universe.


Between our physical reality and our visions of new possibilities is a space in which we need to surrender our personal will. When we surrender, we let go of our ego’s need to control the outcomes, and we place the masterminding of how our prayers are answered into the hands of universal intelligence. When we surrender a prayer to the love of the universe, we are acknowledging the infinite wisdom of Spirit to provide resolutions that far surpass our grandest human plans because they are answered in ways that are for the good of the whole.


I know this prayer is being answered in ways that are for the greatest good of all.


This is the faith part of our prayer and the point at which our limiting belief systems many times start to creep in. We often question the power of our human spirit to create with divine energy. Pure faith transcends believing or understanding – it is KNOWING that our prayers are always answered, even if we cannot see it with our physical eyes. When we expect positive outcomes, we are acknowledging that our prayer has been heard and is accomplished according to divine will. Interestingly, the word “expect” is derived from the Latin words ex (from) and pector (heart). It is the nature of the Universe to work in concert with the desires of the heart.




This is the part of the prayer where we release our intentions to the Universe. The sound of “Amen” is extremely significant: “Aaah” is the sound of creation and breath, and “om” is the sound of manifestation (bringing energy into physical form). Saying this prayer at least once a day has phenomenal potential to heal your life and to bless the world. Since our thoughts create our reality, one can only imagine the infinite transformational energy that can be generated by the majority of our world population uniting with each other in this vision prayer for global spiritual healing! We have the power to bring heaven to earth!


Love and Light





Sandra Brossman is the author of The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 


Self-Evaluation of Seven Basic Beliefs Underlying Your Perceptions of Life – Part 2 of 7: Self-Responsibility

This is the image of a blue sky with some clouds with the word "responsibility" typed in a cloud-like font.

© phloxii/


Welcome to Part 2 of a 7 part series in which you are invited to become aware of the Basic Beliefs Underlying Your Perceptions of Life!  Even more importantly, you are offered the opportunity to transform your self-limiting beliefs of separation and fear into self-empowering beliefs of oneness and unconditional love.


Our basic beliefs are the fundamental concepts we have formed about ourselves and the world around us based on the mental input we have received throughout our lives. They are the underlying thought forms deep within our psyche that support all our views of life.  Our basic beliefs have a profound impact on the quality of our lives because they are the core of our personal values governing absolutely every perception we choose.


Many of our basic beliefs generate self-limiting thoughts because they are framed within our childhood perspectives, rooted in societal training, and do not reflect our whole self.


This week I invite you to become aware of your beliefs about self-responsibility.  Every thought you have and every word you speak is creating the circumstances within your life.  Because every thought is an electrical impulse, each of us is like a television station in that we transmit our thoughts by sending out certain frequencies, also known as vibrations.  The vibrations of your thoughts magnetize other thoughts on the same frequency, so whatever you send out is what comes back to you. Thoughts of love attract people and circumstances that resonate with love. Thoughts of fear attract people and circumstances that resonate with fear.


When you take responsibility for your own thoughts and how they are creating the quality of your reality, you are no longer beholden to the beliefs and thoughts of others. If you don’t like what you see in your exterior world, you don’t have to wait for the circumstances to change.  You have the creative power to change your exterior reality by changing the interior world of your thoughts!


The following is a self-evaluation of your beliefs about self-responsibility.  As you scan through the questions, simply ask yourself, “Do I relate to the statements of separation, or do I relate to the statements of oneness?  The perceptions of separation correspond with fear and lock us into self-defeating behaviors, while the perceptions of oneness resonate with our spiritual truth of unconditional, universal love and open us to our greater potential.


It is best to trust your immediate, spontaneous responses to these questions.  When we analyze ourselves and deliberate over the answers, we run the risk of falling into the trap of self-judgment rather than pure awareness.


Remember, this evaluation is not an exercise in self-criticism, nor does it involve judgment of others.  It is merely a tool to shed the light of self-awareness on the foundation of beliefs upon which we base our view points of life.




Do I believe that my personal reality is a reflection of my thoughts and actions?


Do I believe that I am responsible for choosing perceptions that are in alignment with my spiritual truth?


Separation: Living from the “outside in;” feeling like a victim; using personal energy to react to outer circumstances; blaming others for the circumstances and quality of one’s life; holding other people responsible for one’s happiness and fulfillment.


Oneness: Living from the “inside out;” taking responsibility for the perceptions that create our personal reality; using personal energy to pro-actively create perceptions based on inner spiritual truth; acknowledging challenges in life as spiritual growth opportunities.


Which statements do I most relate to – separation or oneness?


Where does this belief originate?  (i.e. parents, family culture, religion)


Is this my own personal truth now that I am an adult?




The following are affirmations to transform your perceptions of separation and fear into affirmations of oneness and unconditional love:


Feeling of Separation: I have no control over what happens to me.


Affirmation of Oneness:  I take responsibility for the perceptions I choose and how they affect my life.


Feeling of Separation:  I cannot survive without someone to take care of me.


Affirmation of Oneness:  I am connected to a Higher Power that provides me with the strength and courage I need to support myself.


Feeling of Separation:  My parents have ruined my life.


Affirmation of Oneness:  I am responsible for the quality of my own life.


Feeling of Separation:  Bad things are always happening to me.


Affirmation of Oneness:  I choose to see the spiritual messages in all my experience.


Feeling of Separation:  People are always trying to control me.


Affirmation of Oneness:  I have the power to take charge of my own life.


Remember: Every single belief that you have stored into your brain is the result of constant repetition that has come from yourself – as well as from others.  YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS THROUGH THE PROCESS OF AFFIRMATIONS.  It does not matter whether you initially believe your affirmations.  Affirmations are a mental stretch moving toward spiritual truth.  With enough repetition, you will come to believe your affirmations of oneness.


Affirmations help us to develop the habit of consistent, positive self-dialogue.  By making a commitment to the ongoing practice of repeating affirmations of self-love, you have the power to transform your self-deprecating beliefs about yourself into self-respecting perceptions that reflect the truth of your Oneness with Spirit and universal love.


I welcome any questions or insights you would like to share regarding your self-discovery process as you become conscious of your beliefs about self-responsibility.


Love and Light




A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.