Natural Disasters Remind Us That We Are All One

This is the image of a mountain range with beautiful magenta flowers in the foreground

© Creative Travel Projects/Shutterstock



The super typhoon, Haiyan, that roared through the Philippines last week is one of the most powerful storms recorded in history. At least 10,000 people have been killed and about 70 to 80 percent of everything in its path was swept away.

When nature unleashes its phenomenal powers, we are compelled to take notice.  It is times like these that we become acutely aware that we are all part of one human family, and that we are being called upon to come together to support each other and to bring balance to our earth in any way that we can. 


Regardless of our race, nationality, sex, creed, age, or socioeconomic status, we are one human family interdependent and interconnected with each other and with all the elements of nature.  Although we are each different in appearance and expression, we walk the earth together and share the same sun, moon, stars, oceans, and sky with each other, as well as with the animals, flowers, trees, grass, and rocks.  The way we take care of our planet is the way it takes care of us.  When any part of our ecosystem is out of balance, we become individually and collectively imbalanced.  When an animal, plant, or mineral becomes depleted, we have also lost a part of ourselves.  Like a circle of dominos, what affects any one of us automatically impacts every one of us. 


Natural disasters, such as typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes are all indications that our beloved Earth is seeking to balance itself.  Water is traditionally a symbol of emotion.  Since nothing is separated, when the waters of the earth create destruction and seem out of control, it is possibly a mirror image of humanity’s emotions also being destructive and out of control. Because we are a part of the earth, and the earth is part of who we are, every person has the power to contribute to the healing of our planet through the energy of divine unconditional love. Through prayer, we have the collective creative power to transform our earth. 



I invite you to say this prayer every day and to share it with many others. It will change your life; and in so doing, you will contribute to the healing of the world at large. Breathe in deeply, express each word slowly and with intention, imagine the beauty of a world of Oneness, and feel it in your heart as though it is already manifest.  Our thoughts create our reality, so one can only imagine the infinite transformational energy that can be generated by the majority of our world population uniting with each other in this vision prayer for global healing.



A Vision of Oneness


I am at one with the Source of Universal Light and the Ultimate Expression of Universal Love.

I am an open, active channel receiving and expressing unconditional love.


I am thankful for all that is. 


I am joyfully experiencing peace within, health at all levels of my being, and abundance in all forms that are in my greatest good.
I see my personal healing contributing to a
World of Unconditional Love, Harmony, Wholeness, Abundance, and Joy.

I surrender this vision to the unconditional love of the Universe. 



I know this prayer is answered in ways that are for the

greatest good of all.

(Excerpt from “The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose”,
By Sandra Brossman) 


Love and Light,



For more information on how you can help to heal disasters and tragedies, you may find it helpful to access a former blog, What Can I Do To Help Heal the Disasters and Tragedies Within the World. 


For more information on healing your life, order the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.



The Person You Most Want To Be Is Who You Already Are

Text of the word Beautiful with YOU highlighted

© Wiktoria Pawlak/shutterstock

Do you ever find yourself using other people as a point of reference for establishing your identity?  For assessing your value as a person?  For measuring your level of accomplishments? 



Most of us do this at one time or another, and perhaps even most of the time.  Looking around and comparing yourself to others ultimately results in a game of self-judgment. You may decide that someone else is more beautiful, thinner, more important, healthier, more successful, wealthier, happier, and more powerful than you are. Of course, this may be true; but it is completely futile and irrelevant because the person you most want to be is who you already are!  We all have special gifts, and the whole point to your life is to explore the many facets of yourself.



This essential point became very apparent to me when I was recently attending a numerology course.  I use the example of numerology because numbers are objective.  Also, it is a widely accepted scientific and metaphysical premise that everything and everyone is a vibration of energy, and vibrations are numbers.  What is so beautiful about perceiving people through the lens of numerology is that it made me realize that everyone, in all the world, is special. We each have a particular name and a specific time that we are born to this world. 



These very personal factors have an enormous impact on your soul’s mission, how you think, your personality, and your life lessons. This is so amazing!  There is no “right” or “wrong” way to be who you are!  In fact, YOU are the ONLY person who can be the expression of your soul.  We were all born in the energy of unconditional love, and you are here to be the exquisitely unique expression of the energy you were destined to bring to this lifetime.  Your life purpose, the color of your eyes and hair, the shape of your body, your brain, your emotions, your talents, the people whom you attract into your world of experience, as well as how you experience life, are all expressions of the very special version of who you were born to be. Even your challenges in life have been designed by the Universe to keep you on track with becoming more Whole.  For example, if your soul’s mission in this lifetime is to become more open to change, you may find that you are presented with many situations that require you to be very flexible and willing to grow.  



Who you are is not determined by how you compare to other people.  Your True Self is the remembrance that you originated from the energy of Universal Love.  Because love is creative, it is expressed in many ways.  Each one of us has an innate talent and predominant gift to offer, whether it is in “loud” or “quiet” ways.  Your mission could be to be a peacemaker, to be of service to humanity, to create the foundation from which to build new ideas and forms, to be musical and artistic, to be a pillar of love for family and humanity, to be adventuresome, to bring revolutionary ideas into being, to be a messenger who brings the light of spiritual truth to the world, or all of these and even more!



One of the most effective ways you can live in your truth is to consciously align the decisions of your mind with the spiritual values of your heart. Follow your intuition and accept how the gift of your presence naturally unfolds every moment of every day by having the courage to be yourself. You are not here to win a popularity vote! Contrary to our inclination to think that we are “not enough,” there is nothing you need to add to make yourself more of your True Self. Spiritual healing is simply a matter of shedding the many layers of fear that you have used to cover up the perfection of your core being.



It reminds me of what Michelangelo said when he was asked to explain how he was guided to sculpt
the “Pieta”:




“I saw the angel in the marble and carved until I set him free.”


Love and Light,




Free Yourself From the Worry Habit

This is an image of a person stretching their arms welcoming the day as the sun rises

© katja kodba/shutterstock



It seems everywhere we turn, people are worrying. Worrying is part of our human emotional makeup, and there are some conditions and situations where it can serve as a constructive emotion. Such as, motivating you to honor a commitment, meet a deadline, or avoid a dangerous situation.



Worry becomes extremely stressful and destructive when it gets to be a habit.  You can recognize that worrying is becoming a habit when you find yourself approaching most of the situations in your life from a fearful perspective. Chronic worrying can drain your energy, cause constant anxiety, paralyze your ability to make decisions, keep you up late at night, and can even make you sick.



Why do we worry? 



We worry because we are afraid, but afraid of what? Generally speaking our greatest fear is of the unknown. Usually, it isn’t the actual situations we experience that cause us to feel frightened nearly so much as our fearful anticipation of worse-case scenarios.



Interestingly, if you have adopted worrying as your usual approach to life, not only will you fearfully anticipate negative outcomes – you will also stress about potential positive outcomes. The things we worry about are only limited by our imagination: Fear of the lack of money, and fear of the responsibility that comes with financial success; fear of not being loved, and fear of the vulnerability of loving another; fear of losing a job and fear of staying stuck in a job, and the list goes on and on. You may even convince yourself that worrying is a good thing and that it helps you to solve problems and to prepare for the worst.  The problem with this theory is that whatever we focus on creates our reality; thus the saying, Worrying is praying for what you don’t want.  Recognizing this helps you to be aware that worrying is the problem, not the solution.



Worrying is a habit that can be healed. 



You can train your brain to manage stress in a more healthy way.  The following are some questions to ask yourself when you find your energy sinking into dreadful anticipation:


What am I thinking right now?  Awareness is the beginning of all healing. You are likely to be surprised at how many times you catch yourself focusing on negative outcomes.


What words am I using to communicate?  When you are listening to your own words, do you feel inspired by what you are saying, or do the words you are speaking make you want to crawl under the covers?


Am I in present time?  If you are a chronic worrier, you are spending most of your energy focusing on the future.  When you realize this, simply affirm, “I choose to be in present time.”


What am I worried about?  Sometimes actually making a list of things you are worried about helps to clear your mind so that you do not keep recycling different versions of the same issues.


You may even want to schedule a brief period of time every day to give attention to the things you have on your list of concerns.  Embrace your feelings, and give yourself permission to worry about anything you want during this period of time. The important thing is to give this worry period a specific time frame – the rest of the day is in the worry-free zone.


Is this a problem that I can solve?  You will most likely discover that many of the things you are worried about are not in your control because they are someone else’s lessons, and not something you can “fix.” On the other hand, if there IS something you can do,  be sure to get the problem out of your head and take action on your own ideas.


Can I change my perspective?  If you cannot actually solve the problem, you can always change your perception of the issue. In other words, if you have done all you know to do, it is very emotionally healthy to accept what you cannot change. Connecting with a higher spiritual power through prayer and meditation is the most powerful way to let go of our attachment as to how our ego wants something to be solved.



Asking yourself the above questions is a process that takes patience and practice.   Be gentle with yourself.  In time, you will most likely discover that this exercise will transform your worry habit into a much more loving and effective way to help yourself and others.


Love and Light,




The Power of Prayer

The image of a peaceful and beautiful woman praying with light streaming on her face

© Subbotina Anna/shutterstock



In the midst of a physical world in which we are all being tremendously challenged to grow mentally, emotionally, and spiritually, there is nothing more effective in bringing us peace and balance than prayer.



“Prayer” is a word that is many times used in a completely religious context. 



While prayer is a part of most religions, it is so much more than a practice or ritual that is specific to any religion. Whatever differences we may have in our personal and religious perceptions, studies consistently show that the majority of our world population believes in a spiritual Supreme Being.  The terms we use to describe this Supreme Being are very personal and depend upon our individual beliefs. In religions, this life force is referenced by many names, some of which are God, Jehovah, Adonoi, Yahweh, and Allah. Some of the spiritual terms used to describe this creative life force are: Creator, Creative Source, Universal Love, Oneness, Supreme Being, Source of Unconditional Love, and Universal Source.



It does not matter what we choose to call this Source of Unconditional Love – We are all connected to it! 



As we awaken to our truth, we are remembering that we all have a direct soul connection with this Field of Unconditional Love. This awareness also helps us to realize that prayer is much more than a religious exercise – it is a human experience!  We do not need to do anything to “qualify” ourselves to be able to pray, nor do we need to be sanctified in any way. Our ability to pray is as natural as breathing. Since we cannot define it in human concepts, we can only experience it as a constantly emerging energy of life within and all around us. We can feel it in our hearts as unity, expansion, and wholeness. 



Prayer is the bridge that links each of our individual souls to each other and to the Source of Unconditional Love. 



When we pray, we are opening our hearts and minds to inviting the energy of unconditional love into our lives. I think of prayer as having a radar connection to “Home.” While we are immersed in darkness – it is our point of reference in the midst of confusion and chaos. Our prayers are always answered. Sometimes we don’t recognize the universal responses to our prayers because they do not manifest exactly in the ways that we are expecting from our individual perspectives. Because prayer links us into the “Power of Oneness,” it is our connection with Infinite Potential, so there is no limit to the blessings we can receive through prayer. Prayer is on a frequency that resonates with divine light – the same light that is the core essence of each one of us – and has the potential to transform any person and any situation in ways that far transcend our human rationale.



Ask and It Is Given



The essence of this immortal message has been echoed so many times, in so many ways, and in every language; and yet are we really listening to this message? It is such an awesome and wonderful truth that we find it difficult to believe: WE CAN ASK FOR ANYTHING WE NEED!  Indeed, the only reason we receive so few answers to our prayers is that we ask for so little!  It is through prayer that we can remember truth in a world of drama and illusion, receive inspiration even when we are totally discouraged, and ask for direction whenever we feel lost. The energy that comes into us through prayer gives us the strength to move forward even when we feel vulnerable and fragile.  As we perceive prayer in this light, we realize that it is not necessary to be in a state of panic or misery to justify praying, nor do we have to wait until we have free time or are in a special place.  In fact, prayer is so much a part of our nature that we can pray anytime and anywhere: in a church or in a sports stadium; alone or in a crowd; with our eyes open or closed; aloud or in silence.



Most importantly, prayer helps us to remember, at the deepest level of our being-ness, that no matter what we are seeing and experiencing, no matter how challenging our situations may be, and no matter what our human differences are, every one of us has the ability to access spiritual truth through our direct connection to Infinite Wisdom.  WHAT A POWERFUL REALIZATION!



Love and Light,

