Self-Evaluation of Seven Basic Beliefs Underlying Your Perceptions of Life – Part 4 of 7: Inner Power

This is the image of a young woman on a beach at sunrise with her arms open feeling joyful and empowered

© Maridav/


Welcome to Part 4 of a 7 part series in which you are invited to become aware of the Basic Beliefs Underlying Your Perceptions of Life! Even more importantly, you are offered the opportunity to transform your self-limiting beliefs of separation and fear into self-empowering beliefs of oneness and unconditional love.


Our basic beliefs are the fundamental concepts we have formed about ourselves and the world around us, based on the mental input we have received throughout our lives. They are the underlying thought forms deep within our psyche that support all our views of life. Our basic beliefs have a profound impact on the quality of our lives because they are the core of our personal values governing absolutely every perception we choose.


Many of our basic beliefs generate self-limiting thoughts because they are framed within our childhood perspectives, rooted in societal training, and do not reflect our whole self.


This week I invite you to become aware of your beliefs about your INNER POWER. “Power” is a word that generates unease within many of us. This is because when we think of “power,” we typically think of “power over,” not “power within.” If we are stuck in the “power over” belief system, we are subscribing to the illusion that we can control others or that others can control us. Depending on our personalities, we may be acting out the aggressive side of this belief system in subtle ways, such as criticism and judgment or, more aggressively, through overt attack and intimidation. If we are acting out the passive side of the “power over” model, we may tend to withhold our affection, attention, or approval of people in an attempt to get them to act in ways that conform with our expectations. Holding the belief that power means we have control over others is a perception of separation and fear that is bound to perpetuate many choices that are hurtful to ourselves and others.


Inner power, on the other hand, is the creative energy of universal love that is seated within the heart of every human being. While we each have a human body, we also have a personal soul connection to the energy of Spirit, which is unconditional, formless, unlimited infinite potential. Every one of us has the capability of tapping into this universal field of love every moment of every day through meditation, prayer, and mindfully choosing perceptions of love and oneness throughout our everyday lives. Remembering that we each have access to the oneness of spirit is extremely self-empowering because it provides us with an indomitable sense of inner stability regardless of outward circumstances.

The following is a Self-Evaluation of Your Beliefs About Your Inner Power. As you scan through the questions, simply ask yourself, “Do I relate to the statements of Separation, or do I relate to the statements of Oneness? The perceptions of separation correspond with fear and lock us into self-defeating behaviors, while the perceptions of oneness resonate with our spiritual truth of unconditional universal love and open us to our greater potential.


It is best to trust your immediate, spontaneous responses to these questions. When we analyze ourselves and deliberate over the answers, we run the risk of falling into the trap of self-judgment rather than pure awareness.


Remember, this evaluation is not an exercise in self-criticism, nor does it involve judgment of others. It is merely a tool to shed the light of self-awareness on the foundation of beliefs upon which we base our view points of life.




Do I believe that I have the power to create changes within my life, based on the perceptions I choose?


Separation: Believing that one does not have the power to choose personal perceptions and that thoughts and actions have no energy or impact on anyone; or believing one has the power to change other people.


Oneness: Having awareness and profound respect for one’s ability to direct divine energy through the power of thought; believing in personal inner power to create changes within one’s personal reality.


Which statements do I most relate to – Separation or Oneness?

Where does this belief originate? (I.e. parents, family culture, religion)

Is this my own personal truth now that I am an adult?




The following are affirmations to transform your perceptions of separation and fear into affirmations of oneness and unconditional love:


Feeling of Separation: Life’s a game – I’ve got to stay on top.
Affirmation of Oneness: I choose treat myself and others with kindness and respect.


Feeling of Separation: I am telling you this for your own good.
Affirmation of Oneness: I choose to help others by being a compassionate listener and setting a good example with my own life.


Feeling of Separation: I’ll tell you what’s wrong with you . . .
Affirmation of Oneness: I am open to seeing the spiritual goodness in all people.


Feeling of Separation: I want you to change.
Affirmation of Oneness: I am aware that the only person I have the power to change is myself.


Feeling of Separation: You should . . .
Affirmation of Oneness: I choose to release all judgment and criticism of myself and others.


Remember: Every single belief that you have stored into your brain is the result of constant repetition that has come from yourself – as well as from others. YOU CAN CHANGE YOUR BELIEFS THROUGH THE PROCESS OF AFFIRMATIONS. It does not matter whether you initially believe your affirmations. Affirmations are a mental stretch moving toward spiritual truth. With enough repetition, you will come to believe your affirmations of oneness.


Affirmations help us to develop the habit of consistent, positive self-dialogue. By making a commitment to the ongoing practice of repeating affirmations of self-love, you have the power to transform your self-deprecating beliefs about yourself into self-respecting perceptions that reflect the truth of your oneness with spirit and universal love.


Keep practicing – you have the power to heal your life!


I welcome any questions or insights you would like to share regarding your self-discovery process as you become conscious of your beliefs about your inner power.


Love and Light




A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at 


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