Natural Disasters Remind Us That We Are All One

This is the image of a mountain range with beautiful magenta flowers in the foreground

© Creative Travel Projects/Shutterstock



The super typhoon, Haiyan, that roared through the Philippines last week is one of the most powerful storms recorded in history. At least 10,000 people have been killed and about 70 to 80 percent of everything in its path was swept away.

When nature unleashes its phenomenal powers, we are compelled to take notice.  It is times like these that we become acutely aware that we are all part of one human family, and that we are being called upon to come together to support each other and to bring balance to our earth in any way that we can. 


Regardless of our race, nationality, sex, creed, age, or socioeconomic status, we are one human family interdependent and interconnected with each other and with all the elements of nature.  Although we are each different in appearance and expression, we walk the earth together and share the same sun, moon, stars, oceans, and sky with each other, as well as with the animals, flowers, trees, grass, and rocks.  The way we take care of our planet is the way it takes care of us.  When any part of our ecosystem is out of balance, we become individually and collectively imbalanced.  When an animal, plant, or mineral becomes depleted, we have also lost a part of ourselves.  Like a circle of dominos, what affects any one of us automatically impacts every one of us. 


Natural disasters, such as typhoons, tsunamis, earthquakes, hurricanes, and tornadoes are all indications that our beloved Earth is seeking to balance itself.  Water is traditionally a symbol of emotion.  Since nothing is separated, when the waters of the earth create destruction and seem out of control, it is possibly a mirror image of humanity’s emotions also being destructive and out of control. Because we are a part of the earth, and the earth is part of who we are, every person has the power to contribute to the healing of our planet through the energy of divine unconditional love. Through prayer, we have the collective creative power to transform our earth. 



I invite you to say this prayer every day and to share it with many others. It will change your life; and in so doing, you will contribute to the healing of the world at large. Breathe in deeply, express each word slowly and with intention, imagine the beauty of a world of Oneness, and feel it in your heart as though it is already manifest.  Our thoughts create our reality, so one can only imagine the infinite transformational energy that can be generated by the majority of our world population uniting with each other in this vision prayer for global healing.



A Vision of Oneness


I am at one with the Source of Universal Light and the Ultimate Expression of Universal Love.

I am an open, active channel receiving and expressing unconditional love.


I am thankful for all that is. 


I am joyfully experiencing peace within, health at all levels of my being, and abundance in all forms that are in my greatest good.
I see my personal healing contributing to a
World of Unconditional Love, Harmony, Wholeness, Abundance, and Joy.

I surrender this vision to the unconditional love of the Universe. 



I know this prayer is answered in ways that are for the

greatest good of all.

(Excerpt from “The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose”,
By Sandra Brossman) 


Love and Light,



For more information on how you can help to heal disasters and tragedies, you may find it helpful to access a former blog, What Can I Do To Help Heal the Disasters and Tragedies Within the World. 


For more information on healing your life, order the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose.



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