Creating Visions of Your Desired Reality

Image of a stick figure with the words, "Dream Big" in the foreground

© Anson0618/shutterstock



The more we evolve in our personal spiritual healing, the more apparent it is that there is a large gap between our present physical reality and the ideal experience of a world of unity and wholeness.  How, then, do we get from where we are to where we want to be?  How do we stretch out into new realities which we have never seen with our physical eyes?



We all have dreams tucked away in our hearts of our ideal version of life.  Whether we remember or not, each of us has the extraordinary ability to bring our dreams of a kinder, more enlightened world into our physical reality through the practice of creating visions.  Visions are mental pictures, inspired by the soul, clarifying the quality of life we truly want to experience. While ordinary sight is our ability to see tangible things with our physical eyes, we also have the amazing capacity to see from an infinitely, more expansive perspective–we can see with our mind’s eye (also known as our “third eye”) by imagining something we want to see which is not yet visible in our concrete physical world.



What is the purpose of creating visions?



Visions give meaning and purpose to our lives because they are the mental images which guide our actions toward a desired outcome.  Visions originate at a soul level and fuel our passion for living.   In the immortal words of Aristotle, “The soul cannot think without a picture.”  When we truly understand this, it is hard to imagine why we would ever want to live our lives without conscious visions of new realities.  Most of us would not consider building a house without a blueprint of how we want it to look when we are finished–we would not mindlessly start digging out foundations, drilling holes, and nailing up walls without any idea of what we want to create.  Yet, when it comes to the most important structure we can ever build, the context of our lives, we tend to aimlessly react to situations without ever taking the time to envision the ideal of what we want to accomplish.



How do we know what we want to envision?



The seeds of our visions are within our dreams.  When we speak of dreams, most of us think of the unconscious messages we receive as we sleep. Our nighttime dreams link our conscious with our subconscious and reveal our innermost thoughts and feelings.  Although nighttime dreams many times appear to make no sense (from a logical point of view), they often provide us with spiritual guidance and insight.  Our dreams are not only revealed in the unconscious messages that are received as we sleep, but also in the conscious desires we constantly carry within our hearts that are begging to be expressed through our actions.  Our daydreams express our aspirations and are many times revealed in the “I’ve always wanted to” statements we find ourselves saying. It is that irrepressible inner drive we have to do something no matter how illogical it may seem – that inner voice that relentlessly speaks to us of things we need to do in order to honor our need to genuinely express our true self.  If we have suppressed our heartfelt desires for a long time, we may think we no longer have any dreams.  The truth is that no matter how long we have squelched dreams of what we want to achieve in our lives, they remain within our hearts until we claim them.



What are some effective ways in which you can reinforce your visions?



While dreams are the seeds of all new possibilities, they can only come true if you support them with your actions; and, as always your actions are a choice. Below are a few suggestions for activating your visions:


Focus – Since visions are fueled by the soul, focus on the qualities you want to experience in life (such as love, joy, peace, harmony, fulfillment, health); rather than material accumulation.


Written and verbal statements – Words have creative power! Develop a habit of talking and writing about what you WANT to see in your life, rather than complaining about how things are.


Meditation/Visualization – It is very effective to take 5-10 minutes every day to find a quiet space, close your eyes, and  imagine yourself experiencing a desired situation.  It is particularly effective to imagine how it FEELS to be experiencing what you desire.


Prayer –  Ask for divine guidance as to how you can best serve humanity.  This will attract opportunities into your life that align with your talents and interests.


Pictures and Drawings – Visions can be literal or metaphoric.  Drawing pictures stimulates the imagination and brings your mental pictures into physical visibility.


Gratitude Journal  – Writing in a journal about what you are grateful for opens your heart to receiving the flow of Universal blessings that are already there for you.


Physical Enactment  – Pretend that what you are imagining has already come true and that you are acting out the vision.  For example, if you desire to move to a new home, start cleaning out your closets and get organized as though you have already signed the contract to buy a new house.  This sends out a powerful message to the Universe that you believe in your ability to be creative.


Be Open to Outcomes – When you consistently hold a vision of living the quality of life you choose, the Universe answers in ways that are for the greatest good of all.  Let go of trying to manipulate how your visions unfold and surrender the outcome to the far more magnificent infinite potential of the Universe.



Ultimately, we are all here to love and be loved.  Each of us is internally programmed with special gifts and unique ways to bring unconditional love into this third dimensional reality.  Visions make it possible to ignite your dreams sparks by transforming the passive mode of merely wishing for something into the far more dynamic mode of pro-actively co-creating with the Universe.  With practice, you will discover that your visions create a guiding light that magnetizes you to live in the light of spiritual love.



Love and Light,



7 thoughts on “Creating Visions of Your Desired Reality

    • Dear Donna: I am delighted to hear that you are sharing your dreams with other dreamers. Some time ago, I led a “visions support group,” a group of enlightened people who met once/week to support each other’s dreams. Each week we wrote down our visions and verbally shared them with the group. We then did a group meditation for about 30 minutes, during which time we each imagined and felt the visions of self and each other as already being manifest. We did this for about 6 months, and the results were phenomenal! This may be something you want to consider doing.
      Love and Light, Sandra

  1. Thank you so much for this reminder! I am going to print this out and start this delightful process once again. The last time I really focused on this, miracles truly happened!

  2. Dear Krinski: You are welcome! Writing this particular blog has served to also remind me of the extraordinary manifestations I have experienced as the result of this visions process. We all tend to forget how much more dynamic and inspiring life is when we shift our attention from focusing on problems to envisioning resolutions! Thank you for your insights!
    Love and Light, Sandra

    • I always love the synchronicity of life once we make a commitment to change. The day after I printed this visioning process out, I had lunch with someone who is searching for renewed purpose. I was able to hand him a copy of this article and his look of gratitude and relief was rewarding, in and of itself.
      And now, it is time for me to get busy!
      As always,Love and Light and Gratitude!

  3. Dear Krinski: This is so wonderful to hear! Yes, synchronicity is so fascinating! When we make a commitment to be open to change, we free ourselves to be in the flow of life. It is during these times that we feel we are in the perfect place at the perfect time, experiencing the joy of universal support in all that we do. And, of course, because you are so open to love, you also attracted someone who was ready to benefit from your healing. Perfect! Thank you so much for sharing your inspiring experience.
    Love and Light, Sandra

  4. Thank these words have inspired me to write down my thoughts and visions again. I had let writing in my journal go by the wayside…thank you!

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