The Ultimate New Year’s Gift: Self-Love

This is the image of a chalk board with the text, "I Love Me" written

© YuryZap/

New Year’s is the time of year for reflection and for making life changing decisions that bring about improvements in your life.


Many of us spend the first day of the year living in regrets for things not done and focusing on unfulfilled dreams.  Dwelling on the past is likely to cause you to feel powerless and judgmental about yourself.  More importantly, dwelling on mistakes of the past deprives you of focusing on the golden opportunities of the present.


This year, vow to give yourself the ultimate gift – self-love.  Self-love is not about narcissism, vanity, and ignoring the needs of others.  Self-love is about being kind, respectful, and forgiving of yourself.


Where do you start? Grab a pen and tablet!  Doing the following four very simple exercises will help you to start your New Year in a wonderful, healthy self-loving way:


  1. Make a list of everything for which you are thankful.  Gratitude opens the soul to acknowledging the many blessings you already have.  This is not just the “big stuff,” like getting a promotion.  It also includes the basics we take for granted, like having food, water, and a warm place to call home.  We tend to forget how many people in the world do not even have the basics to survive in life.


  1. Write down 10 of the biggest “mistakes” you think you have made over the past year.  Take a deep breath, close your eyes, and one-by-one, forgive yourself.  Honestly, it is as simple as saying, “I did the best I could with what I knew at the time – I forgive myself NOW.”  This is perhaps the most healing thing we can ever do for ourselves because we free ourselves to move into present time, where all new possibilities exist!


  1. Write down at least 10 major lessons you learned from the “10 biggest mistakes” (item 2) –  Success is so much more than the absence of failure.  It is about learning and growing from every experience we have – both “good” and “bad.”


  1. Write down 10 things you choose to accomplish this year.  Be sure to begin each statement with “I am (the ultimate words of creation), state it in the positive, and say it as though it already is accomplished, i.e. “I am increasingly treating myself with love and respect, and I am attracting people who love and respect me in all my relationships.”


It is never too late to bring in the change that you have always wanted to see around you. Let this New Year be the one that will see you being at the forefront of introducing new ideas and new concepts to make the world a better and safer place.


Happy, Healthy New Year!





Sandra Brossman is the author of The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose and the featured presenter in Live the Life You Choose DVD.  To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book or DVD box set at


Embracing the Silence of Winter

This is the image of blue sky and a snowy scenery with footprints in the snow and snow covered trees

© Bas Meelker/


Just in case we have been taking ourselves too seriously by getting lost in our daily frenetic pace, Mother Nature has stepped in to provide us with the perfect antidote for an overactive schedule – Winter!


Over the past few months, most of our country has experienced some of the largest snowfalls, as well as the lowest temperatures, in recorded weather history. As if the forces of snow, ice, wind and freezing temperatures were not sufficient to slow us down, there were also record breaking numbers of power outages throughout the country. Many people were literally in the dark for up to five days. Impassable roads, temporary business shutdowns, and school closings have compelled us to hunker down in the warmth and shelter of our homes.


We are so accustomed to being over stimulated, that it may be difficult to identify this as being the perfect time to change our perspective and to see the winter as a gift.


While all of these extreme weather conditions have caused enormous inconveniences, they have also provided us with an unusual sense of silence. The soft, white cover of snow provides a quiet backdrop for reflection, rather like a blank canvas inviting us to become more introspective and creative. We can also use this time to become aware of the beautiful synchronicity within the rhythm of nature. Winter is a time when everything dies off or goes within itself to grow and be renewed until spring is here again. It is a time when many animals hibernate and plants shut down to store their energies until the warmth of spring arrives.


Below are seven insights that may change your perspective to see the wintertime as a blessing:


1. Go Within – Just as we have a tendency to stay indoors in the winter, it is a perfect time to go within ourselves to clear our minds and nurture our souls. This can be done through meditation, by reading a good book, or watching a favorite movie. The important point is that we get quiet time to relax. What you are actually doing is planting seeds for the longer and brighter days of tomorrow.


2. Give Yourself Permission to Slow Down – This time of year offers us the space and time to slow down. We often find ourselves craving a comfortable couch and a roaring fire. It makes us feel warm, happy, and sleepy. Also, there is nothing like staying in bed a little longer, snuggled up under the covers, enjoying the warmth.


3. Appreciate the Silence – The winter offers clarity within the silence. It is truly amazing to step outside after it snows and notice how crisp the air is and how quiet your surroundings are. The snow is a blanket that softens everything around you and creates a pause that allows you to appreciate the rarity of silence.


4. Spark Your Creativity – The void of darkness sometimes gives us the room we need to allow our creative mind to come alive. Have fun! This is the time to start an arts and crafts project or simply cook a meal that is out of the ordinary.


5. Savor the Simple Things – This quiet time offers you the opportunity to notice the small wonders of life such as hot soup, the texture of sheets, the warmth of a good fire, or how much fun it is to make a snow angel – even if you are an adult!


6. Spend More Time With Family and Friends – This is a wonderful time to do things you may not otherwise have had time to do, such as: baking cookies with the kids and grandkids, catching up on phone time with loved ones, playing games, and getting together for coffee, tea, or lunch with friends.


7. Embrace the Beauty of Nature – Indulge your senses by enjoying a brisk walk in the cold. Allow your eyes to feast on the beauty of the glistening snow, smell the clarity of the air, and listen to the silence.


Enjoy what is around you right now! You don’t need to “get away” literally. Most of us need to “get away” from our daily lives and our frenetic pace. You can do this anywhere, including right where you are.


Love and Light





A portion of this message is an excerpt from the book, The Power of Oneness, Live the Life You Choose. To learn more about how you can align your life with spiritual truth, order the book at
The e-book version, regularly priced at $9.99 is presently being offered for only $1.99.


Welcome 2014! Another Year That Brings Forth Many Opportunities To Reinvent Ourselves


This is an image of year 2014 with an arrow pointing down a road toward light - as though we have the whole year ahead of us.

© Aslyson/


As we begin yet another new year, we may beat ourselves up for not sticking with the previous year’s resolutions (uh oh – I didn’t keep my resolution to exercise every other day and/or to lose that 50 pounds!). This can lead to a sense of resignation about being able to achieve things in the New Year.


Studies consistently indicate that we tend to be extremely self-critical. Psychologist, Rick Hanson, states, “The mind is like Velcro for negative experiences and Teflon for positive ones.” That said, we also know that one of the best ways to motivate ourselves is by focusing on our accomplishments.  Since we tend to measure our successes from the previous year by only the “big things” we have achieved, we overlook the countless “little things” we’ve done that have added a lot of quality to our lives and the lives of others.


This is an image of the word negative crossed out and the the words Think Positive displayed

© Anson0618 /



For this reason, I encourage you to congratulate yourself for the many things you DID accomplish in 2013, like all the times you:


  • Were supportive of your child/children when you felt you didn’t have an ounce of patience left to do so
  • Listened attentively to your spouse or partner sharing a problem even when you were experiencing plenty of your own challenges
  • Went to work or finished a major project, giving it your all even though you were exhausted
  • Smiled and said “thank you” to someone who needed to hear it
  • Forgave someone who really hurt your feelings
  • Placed a phone call or sent an email to encourage someone even though you, yourself, were feeling discouraged
  • Offered encouragement to someone in pain even while you were experiencing your own pain
  • Volunteered to take time to help someone in need even though your calendar was jammed
  • Took the time to recycle even though it would have been a lot easier to just throw everything into the trash


I could go on and on – but you get the picture!


So this year, let’s do something different.  Make it your number one resolution to be kind to yourself and thank yourself for all that you’ve already accomplished.  You were and are amazing!


Drop a comment on this post to share what you’d like to thank yourself for today.


Love and Light




The Joy of Spring – A Time For Change and New Beginnings




Spring is a glorious time of rebirth and renewal. The fact that all of nature is always in the process of transformation is most apparent in spring.


Everywhere we turn we see evidence of the cycle of new beginnings. The earth thaws and becomes soft again, giving way to the emergence of new growth. The latent force within seeds awakens, allowing buds and blossoms to slowly appear and then explode into new life. The rhythm of the seasons demonstrates to us that the life force of creation is constant change and growth.


So it is with our own energy in spring. The seasonal surge moves into and through us, creating the impetus to make a fresh start. It is a perfect time to renew ourselves and break out of our old “earth patterns” to reach higher levels of consciousness. So how do we do this?


We can only change ourselves


First, and most importantly, we need to remember that the only person we have the power to change is ourselves. In the words of Mahatma Gandhi, “We need to BE the change we want to see.” Change is something we tend to want everyone else to do. When we avoid taking responsibility for changing ourselves, we are placing virtually everyone else in charge of our lives, which is many times the very thing we fear the most.


“Spring” is not just a noun – it is also a verb. 


Second, I encourage you to embrace the full meaning of “spring.” It is not just a noun – it is also a verb, meaning to leap forward over obstacles. So what is our greatest obstacle in moving forward? As usual, it is fear, but fear of what? Generally our greatest fear is that of the unknown. Or to put it another way, most of us are afraid of change. This is, indeed, a real “catch 22” because change and growth are qualities that are inherent to the energy of life. Change is inevitable, but how we choose to experience it is a choice! We can accept it or we can resist it.


Since what we resist persists, one of the most effective ways I know to open up to change is to become conscious of what we are resisting.  Once we become aware of why we are resisting change, we have the power to transcend our perceptions of fear and open our minds to the natural flow of change.


Following are some of the rationalizations we use to resist change:


We want to feel safe: We need to ask ourselves, safe from what? Are we really safe when we cling to the familiar? It is our spiritual nature to be the expression of perpetual growth and expansion. If we accept change, we can move forward in harmony with the flow of life. If we resist it, we are bound to experience tremendous difficulties. Resisting change keeps us locked into mental, emotional, and physical patterns based on the past. The safest place to be is in present time, which frees us to create healthy, new perceptions.


We don’t have the courage or strength: Courage (root word cuer, meaning heart) does not mean the absence of fear. Indeed, we all have fears. Having courage means we have the heart to face our fears and to make changes for the better, even when we are afraid. Does it take strength to make changes? Of course it does, but it takes a lot more of our strength to withstand the turmoil of going against the natural current of change. If we think about the times our strength has felt most depleted, has it been when we used our energy to adjust to new challenges, or when we desperately tried to stay in the same space?


We want to be comfortable: If we are not moving forward, we eventually become stuck in the status quo. Is it comfortable to feel stuck? Even though we may feel a little insecure about moving out of familiar spaces, it is really quite healthy to experience the discomfort that comes from growth. Discomfort is caused by bumping up against the boundaries we have outgrown, indicating that this is time for our mind’s knowledge to catch up with our soul’s wisdom. When we feel the world around us is beginning to close in, we can’t resolve the situation by making ourselves smaller; however, we can choose to create more expansive perspectives.


We don’t want to experience confusion: Change does cause confusion, and what a blessing it is for us! Confusion scrambles the fixated thought patterns we have locked into so that we can rearrange them into a new system of ideas. If we think about it, the most wonderful events in our lives, such as moving to a new house, receiving a promotion, getting married, or having a baby, all create a temporary state of chaos. Eventually things quiet down, but as we look around, we see that we are in an entirely new space.


We want to avoid pain: In our attempt to avoid the pain of change, we many times hold on to the past. Ironically, the parts of the past to which we remain most attached are the very ones that typically elicit the most painful memories. For example, the parent who abandoned us, the spouse who was unfaithful, the employer who cheated us, and the friend who betrayed us. Holding on to these types of memories frequently breeds self-defeating feelings of guilt and unworthiness that fuel the illusion that we are imprisoned in a life with no choices. Most of the pain we experience in our lives does not come from moving forward. It comes from holding ourselves back.


If you resonate with any of the above rationalizations to avoid change, simply forgive yourself – it is time to move on!  The good news is that when we shed the light of awareness on the illusion of these self-limiting rationalizations, we free ourselves to accept change and to make new choices.  This allows you to greet life with fluidity and to see life as a process of growth. We all have the capacity to spring into action to embrace the joy of change.  Welcome new beginnings!




I welcome you to share any insights or experiences you would like to offer that would encourage others to embrace their process of change.


Love and Light,







From Clutter to Clarity


This is an image of a clear deck overlooking green grass and a clear blue sky

© Skylines/shutterstock


Time to spring clean our lives?


Happy spring! This is the time of year when nature demonstrates the miracle of regeneration and renewal. The days are brighter and longer, and we begin to see new growth everywhere as brown grass turns green, bare trees regain their leaves, and flowers push through the soil and blossom. Sensing the invigorating energy of spring reminds many of us of the need to revitalize our personal environment.  It may very well be the time to do some spring cleaning within our lives!


About two years ago I made a conscious commitment to simplify my life and decided to do a major downsize of all my material possessions. I had thought about it for many years, but I knew the time had come to move past feeling overwhelmed and take action. I was actually feeling physically bogged down by all the stuff that had accumulated during the 23 years my husband and I lived in our home. Our house was clean and organized, but I constantly had the cumbersome awareness that we had too much of everything. While I knew that de-cluttering and downsizing would involve a lot of time and energy, I had no idea what an enormous impact this project would have on my life; emotionally, mentally, physically, and spiritually.


The process of de-cluttering, downsizing, and simplifying my life was such a life transforming experience that I would like to share with you some of the many things I learned in the process. Hopefully, my recount of this experience will inspire you to stop procrastinating and take action on that long overdue decision to move out of clutter and into clarity.


Consciously surround yourself with things

that make you feel good.


Emotionally: I came to realize that clearing space can help to heal emotions. Material things actually hold energy of past memories and events. Sorting through your things is the ideal time to acknowledge the many emotions that are associated with the material objects surrounding you.  I found that allowing myself to feel the nostalgia was very healing and allowed me the choice to let go of the past and become more available to the present moment. Downsizing and de-cluttering affords you the opportunity to consciously decide to surround yourself with things that make you feel good. I also discovered that sorting through my “stuff” was a very special time to express profound gratitude for everything and anything. I realized that both the positive and negative experiences helped to make me who I am. Then there was the wonderful quality of generosity in donating and sharing items that I no longer wanted or needed. Words cannot describe the joy I felt in asking my children to choose what was special to them; driving around and dropping off items at homeless shelters; and donating furniture, blankets, clothes, bedding, and towels to veterans organizations, animal shelters, and thrift shops.


Mentally: I became aware that we need to clear our minds, as well as our physical surroundings, in order to be peaceful. Though we tend to associate clutter with material things, we live in a world where our minds are immersed in an endless sea of communication overload: emails, voicemails, text messages, faxes, computer games, and the list goes on and on. It feels like everywhere we turn, we are inundated with information, requests for an immediate response, and overall mental stimulation. I decided to create some time every day, away from technology, to be with nature; or, at the very least, to sanction an hour each day to be in a peaceful, quiet space where I can simply take some deep breaths and clear my head.


Physically:  I became aware that it was much more relaxing to be in a room with “less stuff.” The things that I had chosen to take with me to my new home were only the things that I either liked, needed, or wanted. When I sorted through my belongings, I asked myself three questions:


          1. Do I need this?

          2. Do I like this?

          3. Have I used or looked at this within the past two years?


If the answer to any one of these questions was, “no,” I knew I was kidding myself about needing to hold onto it. I also came to realize just how temporary situations in life tend to be. Sorting through massive amounts of paperwork was a particularly poignant example of this. Many papers that at one time contained important information had become obsolete. If also felt good to get these papers out of my personal space and back into the mainstream through the process of recycling.


Getting rid of clutter frees the soul.


Spiritually: I discovered that getting rid of clutter frees the soul. Clearing your physical space actually brings in more light and opens you to a whole new world of possibilities. Whether we are aware of it or not, it takes a lot of time and energy to maintain, look at, use, move around, and store “our stuff.” Freeing up this energy creates a void. Since the nature of life is to fill voids, open space is the optimal environment in which to be creative. Without so many visual distractions, we can look at life from a new point of view. It is literally easier to breathe in a clear, uncluttered environment.


While I have shared all the positive aspects of de-cluttering my life, I must, in full disclosure, share that this process of downsizing and moving was one of the most physically demanding projects I have ever tackled. It was a huge undertaking because I chose to truly downsize (I donated, recycled, or trashed about 2/3 of my physical belongings) to move to a smaller, more manageable home. Even the enormity of the project proved to be a spiritual lesson because I realized the power of teamwork and cooperation. Many of my friends and family members pitched in to give me tremendous assistance. Note: Do NOT attempt to downsize by yourself!


That being said, deciding to downsize and de-clutter my life is proving to be one of the most healthy choices I have ever made. Because I don’t have to clean, maintain, and deal with so many things, I have more time to spend with friends and to do things I enjoy. I feel more healthy, more creative, and free. Most importantly, when I wake up in the morning, I no longer feel that awful cloud above my head reminding me to clean up my life. I have finally honored my commitment to myself to “lighten up.” Like spring, I am in the cycle of regeneration and renewal.


Love and Light,

